Within the past few weeks, two government agencies issued competing "clarifications" of the mark-to-market rule.
Federal tax law prohibits the IRS from sharing information with other government agencies, including immigration authorities.
So far, Honda has leased a total of 14 FCX vehicles to various government agencies.
One alternative to empowering government agencies would be simply to help individuals buy affordable private insurance.
Government agencies and nonprofit organizations have first dibs and can get lighthouse titles for free.
He proposed eliminating entire government agencies and pushed a tax-cut plan that was considered radical.
As well, government agencies need to be held accountable to a timeline for making decisions.
Climbers are required to seek permission from government agencies before they climb Mount Mayon.
Asia Cleantech worked with government agencies to bring the first electric vehicles to Singapore.
The NSA sometimes participates in such industry groups, focused on shaping new products for government agencies.
Government agencies initially expected the rebuilding to be well under way by early 2012.
These disclosures currently are required, but made in various reports to different government agencies.
They have high level security clearances which enable them to work with government agencies.
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Four of the nine Pakistani teams are fielded by government agencies and equipped with good-quality bikes.
The audience was made up of CIOs and network geeks from federal government agencies.
Government agencies look at the cloud with a weird mixture of hope and wariness.
The inquiry will look at religious groups, NGOs and state-care providers as well as government agencies.
WindTamer expects to receive orders from several other government agencies, including law enforcmenet units.
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This relies on projections by government agencies on budget deficits, public debt, and entitlement spending.
But the Singapore and Hong Kong exchanges remain the front-line regulators with oversight from government agencies.
Total payrolls, which will include government agencies, will rise by 150, 000 after a 39, 000 gain.
Even though these are private industry lessons, government agencies will be well served avoiding these pitfalls.
The bureau is already receiving complaints but is directing them to other government agencies.
We have data being created by news bureaus and data being created by government agencies.
The proposal is supposed to set the funding levels for the various government agencies next year.
They have made it clear that they are cooperating with the investigating government agencies.
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More and more international development projects involve partnerships between government agencies, NGOs and corporations.
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In the end, media coverage helped push reluctant managers to adapt the way government agencies operated.
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The OECD defined "small" businesses using definitions set by government agencies and financial institutions.
What other companies, government agencies, nonprofits or Web sites are doing interesting work in this area?