Did the government office they measured in for a few days contain lead or asbestos.
The PCS said picket lines were in place outside every government office in Scotland.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Civil servants take strike action
Subject to Government Office North West formal approval, construction work is set to start in the autumn.
Wefo is the Welsh government office that is responsible for distributing the European funds which Wales receives.
BBC: Welsh European Funding Office: AMs want 'radical' review
But an official from the Government Office for London (GOL) warned of the political problems that could cause.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Council faces recycling hit squad
She was head of a government office responsible for overseeing Xiamen's trade when the smuggling ring was active.
ECONOMIST: Systemic corruption: Something rotten in the state of China | The
This is not the first time Summers has cashed in on a hot trend while out of government office.
FORBES: Is Larry Summers Andreessen Horowitz's Kiss of Death?
The woman wound up landing a communications jobs in a government office.
It said there were 11 deaths and 39 injuries, and 152 houses, 13 religious buildings, a government office and five vehicles were damaged.
The U.S. military responded with a statement denying any involvement of coalition forces in the attack, which occurred at a Kandahar government office.
CNN: Karzai demands U.S. forces turn over Afghan killing suspects
Requiring people wait in line at a local government office is an increasingly rare practice, and will likely be phased out entirely in our lifetime.
Just across a busy road is a brand-new local government office.
It is a small room in a bustling government office, where a team of 12 women work round the clock in shifts and attend to calls.
And if you stand in line at some government office and nobody seems to be paying any attention to you, well, that needs to be fixed.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Town Hall in Cannon Falls, Minnesota
The facility's most obscure recreation, though, is that of a Thai district government office, adorned with old country maps, framed official documents, tan-and-green safari helmets, and even a mounted rifle.
Accordingly, the Senate must now play its constitutional role in evaluating the fitness of this nominee and in weighing the desirability and the implications of his appointment to high government office.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Case Against the Halperin Nomination �� White Paper
In April, tourism was still down 35% in comparison to last year, reported the Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics, a government office that collects statistical data on the country.
This high profile means that sports organizations operate on a different calculus than, say, a bank, a government office, or an apartment building when it comes to choosing how to lighten environmental footprint.
We see the results of policy initiatives to increase opportunities for integrated employment for people with disabilities in people like Mark Trezise, a clerk at a county government office who has an intellectual disability.
But campaigners who opposed the original application a year ago fear renewed efforts to target the area now that Mr Osborne has announced tax incentives - and the creation of a new government office - for shale gas.
Officials at the West Midlands government office argue that while their agency might not be as powerful as was once hoped, it still represents a significant reversal of the trend of the past generation, which has seen ever more power centralised in Whitehall.
One of my amusements over the last few days has been reading the testimony of David L. McClure of the Government Accounting Office before the House Subcommittee on Government Management Information and Technology regarding this proposed new position.
At least 10 different agencies are responsible for enforcing different provisions of the embargo, and according to the Government Accountability Office, the U.S. government devotes hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of thousands of man hours to administering the embargo each year.
FORBES: It's Time For The U.S. To End Its Senseless Embargo Of Cuba
Last year, Rep. Miller and I asked the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to investigate problems with government regulation and enforcement of pension statutes, including whether the PBGC currently, or in the past, employs any consultants the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has identified as having potential conflicts of interest.
However, Michael DiMario, public printer at the Government Printing Office, thinks closing NTIS could make it more challenging for the public to find government documents.
Studies by the Government Accountability Office have identified tens of thousands of such dead-beat companies that are being awarded government contracts.
The four contractors that process Medicare's wheelchair claims--Palmetto GBA, Cigna HealthCare, AdminaStar Federal and HealthNow New York--saw a spurt in spending as early as 1997, but the office that runs Medicare and Medicaid did not lead a coordinated response until 2003, says the Government Accountability Office.
Several studies have shown H-1B visa holders are paid comparable to U.S. workers with similar experience (Government Accountability Office, Magnus Lofstrom, and others) and employers must pay thousands of dollars in legal and government fees per H-1B.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) examined samples of corporate tax returns filed between 1998 and 2005.
FORBES: Two Thirds of US Corporations Don't Pay Federal Income Tax: True But Horribly Misleading
That's what investigators from the Government Accountability Office told lawmakers today on Capitol Hill.