The Welsh government's draft organ donation bill was published in June.
Due to severe state budget difficulties, the State of Arizona recently ended a government program that funded organ transplants for those in life-threatening circumstances.
These are the people who must scrutinise the government's proposed Organ Donation Bill and let's face it, they can't afford to make many mistakes on that one.
Government and the key organ of state, the Fed has to create the conditions but the ground breaking and the delivery of wealth must come from the private sector.
Mrs Taylor backs the Welsh government's plans change organ donation in Wales to an "opt-out" system.
An assembly government spokesman said ministers believed the organ donation scheme "primarily relates to the field of health and health services".
"There is no specific evidence that the fall in donor numbers is related to the Welsh government's proposed legislation on organ donation, " added Mr Drakeford.
But he said increased awareness of the need for organ donors, through government campaigns, and other sources of information were the key to increasing donor numbers.
The UK government questioned whether an opt-out organ scheme was desirable, "feasible", or whether it was necessary to run two different systems, arguing it would lead to confusion.
BBC: UK officials warned Welsh government over organ donation
True to her political roots she met with senior government officials to discuss FB social initiatives such as their organ donor program.
FORBES: Why Facebook Shares Will Rise Just Like Amazon's Did
Papers released under the Freedom of Information request also revealed that the Welsh government would fund the extra cost of introducing the new organ scheme from its own budgets, while continuing to fund the UK scheme in the meantime.
BBC: UK officials warned Welsh government over organ donation
An estimated 1.5 million people in China are in need of organ transplants annually, while only 10, 000 receive them, according to government statistics.
The government is likely to see it as a very hot potato indeed, and the British Organ Donation Society thinks it doesn't take sufficient account of families' wishes.