• Then on July 18 two condors flew near the site and possibly directly over it, according to their GPS signals.

    FORBES: Green Groups Sue To Stop California Wind Project That Threatens Condor

  • But they often rely on RF signals from wi-fi access points or custom infrastructure, poor-quality GPS signals or expensive, high-quality sensors.

    ENGADGET: Cambridge Consultants develops indoor tech to pick up where GPS drops off

  • However, GPS signals can fail or be fooled by a conflicting radio signal, said Professor David Last, an advisor to the to General Lighthouse Authority.

    BBC: Navigational backup to aid ships in Dover straits

  • Casio has so far produced two watches that read GPS signals.

    FORBES: GPS Navigation From The Wrist

  • Though the GPS signals are free for anyone, consumers might pay a small amount on their bill each month for this kind of "find nearest" service.

    FORBES: A Phone That Finds You

  • Skyhook has amassed a database of 50 billion scanned records of Wi-Fi, cellular tower and GPS signals--a "map" of locations that captures 80% of the U.S. population.

    FORBES: Technology

  • This data springs from such diverse sources as weather, social media posts, digital pictures and videos, purchase transaction records and cell phone GPS signals, to name a few.

    FORBES: Big Data: Getting Ready For The 2013 Big Bang

  • In trials conducted by the General Lighthouse Authorities of UK and Ireland, a 1.5W radio jammer was able to knock out GPS signals over a range of 30 kilometers.


  • Other justices used more sweeping reasoning, saying police might violate the constitutional ban on unreasonable searches even when they obtain GPS signals without having to attach a device to a car.

    FORBES: Criminals Laud Supreme Court GPS Decision (Or Should)

  • Each probe can pick up GPS signals and signals from eLoran, an enhanced version of Loran, the ground-based terrestrial radio-navigation system first used by the American and British navies during the second world war.

    ECONOMIST: GPS jamming

  • That was used to aid in the launch of four experimental satellites over the course of the 1960s and 1970s, the last of which was the first satellite to fly in the GPS 12-hour orbit and the first transmit GPS signals.

    ENGADGET: GPS pioneer Roger L. Easton inducted into National Inventors Hall of Fame

  • The Pioneer SmartCradle for iPhones is compatible with all GPS enabled apps, including MotionX-GPS Drive and is the first of its kind to incorporate a built-in gyro sensor and accelerometer combined with an external antenna for improved GPS reception and location accuracy, even if GPS signals are limited by high rise buildings and tunnels.

    ENGADGET: Pioneer announces Aha Radio partnership, plans for app domination

  • There have been a few anecdotal concerns raised over the last several weeks that LightSquared's proposed LTE network -- which would repurpose L-band spectrum formerly used for satellite -- is too close to the spectrum used by the Global Positioning System, leading to unintentional jamming when the towers overpower the much weaker GPS signals.

    ENGADGET: US Air Force raises concerns over LightSquared's LTE network messing with GPS

  • The device, he says, picks up global positioning system (GPS) signals better than the iPhone (even in forests), boasts longer battery life and fits in his backpack without adding much weight or bulk.

    FORBES: Personal Tech

  • When intense enough, flares can disturb the Earth's atmosphere in the layer where GPS and communications signals travel.

    BBC: Four colossal Sun flares in 48 hours

  • But it's going to be hard to compete with the U.S. GPS system whose signals are available free for anyone.

    FORBES: Europe Reinvents GPS

  • It can help you track it based on GPS and cellular network signals.

    FORBES: Why Your Smart Phone Is So Stupid

  • GPS, which uses signals from satellites, only works well outside and its co-ordinate system only identifies areas down to a few metres in diameter.

    BBC: Let your text messages linger

  • By comparing the GPS and eLoran time signals with its internal clock, each probe can detect interference and determine whether it is natural or man-made.

    ECONOMIST: GPS jamming

  • Maritime navigational instruments tend to rely on GPS positioning which employs timing signals broadcast by a constellation of satellites.

    BBC: Navigational backup to aid ships in Dover straits

  • Big Data includes that as well as Twitter feeds, Facebook (FB) posts, GPS data, road sensor signals, genomic data, and videos.

    FORBES: Big Blue's Bet on Big Data

  • First, GPS units have to pick up extremely faint radio signals from satellites orbiting 12, 000 miles in the sky, and that requires receivers that pull in as broad a swath of spectrum as possible.

    FORBES: Cellphone Manufacturers Solved GPS Interference Problem

  • Now added to this is a GLA station in Dover that broadcasts corrections to eLoran that makes signals so precise ships can enter harbours using them in the event of GPS failure.

    BBC: Navigational backup to aid ships in Dover straits

  • Police can track phones by analyzing signals from towers that connect cellphone calls or, in some cases, through GPS satellites.

    WSJ: Judges Challenge Phone Location Tracking

  • In-car GPS developers have long had to wrestle with the urban canyon effect that blocks or bounces signals downtown: they often have to make best guesses for accuracy when they can't count on cellular or WiFi triangulation to pick up the slack, like a smartphone would.

    ENGADGET: New in-car GPS tech uses motion sensors for accurate, autonomous city driving

  • Then through the use of GPS-based reference clocks at each tower (for both time and frequency), the signals are synced so each can emit a perfect copy of both signal and symbol data.

    ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

  • It's always nice to see an old tech stage a comeback and this time it's happening around the coasts of Europe, with nine low-frequency radio transmitters substituting for GPS' satellite-based system. eLoran's radiowave-based system is stronger than satellite signals and less jammable, based on the Loran system that was previously used for shipping navigation by both the British and US navy over 50 years ago.


  • Just as photos on camera phones needed Instagram's filters for their distribution to grow, and GPS chips went from preventing you from getting lost to Foursquare's social check-ins, so the physiological signals that are currently generating charts, graphs and analysis will eventually be moulded into more social experiences, he argues.

    CNN: The wave of wearable computers

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