But at some grade level the emphasis needs to shift from shoring up weaknesses to building on strengths.
Still, nine of them are "high achieving, " working above grade level in some subjects.
Under Dodd, the AAU has added national championships down to the second grade level.
FORBES: AAU President Bobby Dodd: The Next Alleged High-Profile Youth Sports Pedophile
At the 5th grade level, girls routinely outperform boys in every subject, including math and science.
FORBES: Bright Girls, Smart Women: Often Their Own Worst Enemies
Moody's has a Baa3 rating--the lowest investment-grade level--with a stable outlook on India's debt.
The most important thing for every grade level is the quality of the teachers.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Australian High School Students
Bringing robotics technology to students in disadvantaged communities can have a profound impact at every grade level.
FORBES: South African Students Build Robots And Compete In Lego Program
The average scores were categorized at each grade level into four groups: below basic, basic, proficient, and advanced.
CNN: Report card shows U.S. students need to improve math skills
Granted, generally the children were not reading at grade level, but they are making strides in the right direction!
What No Child Left Behind says is that we are going to have our kids on grade level by 2014.
In the latest national assessment of school performance, 40% of American ten-year-olds were unable to read at their grade level.
"It is unlikely that GMAC's ratings could rise to the investment grade level until GM's profile stabilizes or improves, " Moody's said.
Those 50% of us Americans who think and read beyond an 8th grade level know what the consequences of default are.
We do math and writing everyday at our house and both children are now working above their grade level with ease.
In about one in 10 cases a new grade level was given, a similar level to last year, government statistics show.
She hopes the extra time will help bring students up to their grade level in reading, vocabulary, math, science and life skills.
It's no longer enough to have Junior learning at his grade level.
Too many students don't speak English, can't read or write at grade level, and yet, it's the overcrowding that has complicated matters.
If you have children, when would you like them on grade level?
International powers want it to stop enriching uranium to a level of 20%, which can then be more easily enriched to weapons-grade level.
She had to be pulled out of fifth grade because she could not pass the test for 7-year-olds -- a first grade level.
The exams are "computer adaptive, " meaning questions begin at grade level but get tougher or easier based on how well the student does.
The average student enters KIPP two years below grade level in fifth grade, and leaves KIPP in eighth grade achieving at a ninth-grade level.
Five Wishes is written at a sixth- to seventh-grade level, says Paul Malley, president of Aging with Dignity, a nonprofit that distributes the document.
I'm currently utilizing the English version of the game because, after 34 years, I've somehow managed to grasp it at a solid third-grade level.
We really mean it--every kid on grade level by 2014, and obviously that causes some discomfort, particularly as we come closer and closer to that date.
It basically looks at a single student's prior performance and says: This student, amongst his peers at this grade level, was in the - let's say 60th percentile.
The No Child Left Behind law requires that all children regardless of income, race or ethnicity be able to read and do math at grade level or above.
By third grade, children from low-income families who are not reading at grade level are six times less likely to graduate from high school than students who are proficient.