She was a grade school teacher here in Wisconsin.
WHITEHOUSE: Using Media Strategies to Boost Public Preparedness
Young players are looking for "real-life camaraderie, " said Mr. Sokolski, a grade-school teacher from Petawawa, Ontario, and the president of the Ontario Table Hockey Association.
WSJ: Table Hockey, on Ice Since Heyday in 1970s, Makes a Comeback
Diana Chen, a sixth-grade teacher at Public School 126 in Manhattan, said her students could have used at least a half-hour more.
Lindsey Zolp, for instance, dreamed of being an elementary school teacher since third grade.
The 1966 song was understood to be a favourite of 27-year-old Victoria Soto, a first-grade teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Julie Rexford is a 7th grade Life Science Teacher at Harry Hurst Middle School.
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In a grade school, Mr. Brown said, a teacher told Mr. Brown that only two in 10 of his classmates would succeed in life.
When my then-second-grade son came home from school one day upset with his teacher I asked him why.
His mother, Susan Amini, recalls the day he came home from Somerset Elementary School in the third grade and complained about his recess teacher.
The tests are the same for both primary and secondary school teacher trainees, who must also have achieved a grade C or above in GCSE maths and English.
Sharon Ernst, a fifth-grade teacher in East Amwell Township, New Jersey, said her school has collected enough juice pouches and candy wrappers to pay most of the costs of its environmental club.
The shuttle mission was orchestrated by my sixth grade teacher, Mr. K, who, built a simulator in a broom closet of our school.
Freezing, in fact the steam leaks from his mouth and reminds him of an elementary school experiment with dry ice, which reminds him of Mr. Harlow, his fifth-grade teacher.