My two brothers are on the balcony, grafting bean plants for a science project.
He is grafting the pretty scions on top of unattractive but hardy established trees.
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Walsh has criticized sural nerve grafting, contending that it encourages people to damage or remove nerves unnecessarily.
Fairchild studied how sap moved in plants and eventually became an expert in the techniques of grafting.
When doable, it is the favored treatment versus coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) as it is less invasive.
Mr Deutsch's view is an imaginative tour-de-force, a clever cross-grafting of bold ideas.
Now a procedure called sural nerve grafting is gaining in popularity for its ability to make surgery a more sex-life-friendly choice.
I'm not grafting part of this because he's not a frontrunner.
But it's a pivot away from "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, " which Mr. Grahame-Smith created by grafting zombie scenes into Jane Austen's text.
Shallow burns can heal by themselves, but deeper burns, in which both the layers of the skin have been damaged, will require grafting.
Brinker stepped in and had the idea of extracting living cells from genetically modified organisms and grafting them onto the backs of cockroaches controlled by pheromones.
In an era of muscular biffers, Samaraweera preferred to persuade the ball around, using his wrists to find gaps in the field, grafting rather than belting.
He created a new architectural language for the government buildings in Dhaka, Bangladesh, grafting a new democracy to the roots of an ancient civilization through archetypal brick forms.
At this week's meeting of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology, in Berlin, research groups from America, Belgium, Denmark and South Korea announced significant progress in ovarian grafting.
For what it is worth, RBS does not believe that the issue raised by many - that all the banks have creaking ancient and complex computer systems, on to which they are constantly grafting updates - is the core weakness.
It has the remnants of a special relationship with America, it punches above its weight in military matters, and it has discovered in the third way a formula for grafting the entrepreneurial dynamism of Silicon Valley on to Europe's notions of equal opportunity and social justice.
It is hardly surprising that some plastic surgeons ask themselves why they should spend hours repairing a smashed face or grafting a severe burn (often at night or weekends) when they can enjoy many times the fee doing a facelift during normal working hours for a patient who appreciates and values it.