Among those who received pay-outs were the ancestors of novelists George Orwell and Graham Greene.
The novels have been praised as masterpieces by writers such as Graham Greene, W.H.
WSJ: TV's Novel Challenge: Parade's End and Other Literature on the Screen
Sir John will take over from outgoing chairman Graham Greene when he steps down next July.
Mr Narayan was often mentioned as a likely Nobel winner, but like Graham Greene never got beyond the shortlists.
Mr Banks's depiction of American meddling in foreign wars is not new, and is more artfully explored by Graham Greene.
In 1951 Graham Greene stayed for the first time, while writing "The Quiet American" and acting as a correspondent for Paris Match.
This fine film was adapted from the 1955 novel by Graham Greene.
Graham Greene called the last novel "a disaster, " and edited a 1963 edition of "Parade's End" that left out the fourth novel entirely.
WSJ: TV's Novel Challenge: Parade's End and Other Literature on the Screen
No doubt there will be some who are deeply shocked by Graham Greene's nonchalance about the arguments that led him to convert to Catholicism.
BBC: A Point of View: Can religion tell us more than science?
Other writers who fulfill this paradigm for me: Graham Greene (Our Man in Havana), Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) and George Orwell (1984) all instantly came to mind.
"We are pleased the Great Court Project has been completed successfully and opened to wide acclaim and that the British Museum is now receiving 40% more visitors, " said chairman Graham Greene.
Forster, the young Graham Greene and countless others would make the long ascent to her flat, read stories and poems, and exchange compliments and insults over strong tea and halfpenny buns.
ECONOMIST: She was as highly regarded as W.B. Yeats and T.S. Eliot
Researchers at University College London (UCL) have just finished a three-year study of British slave-owners and found the ancestors of novelists George Orwell and Graham Greene and the architect Sir George Gilbert Scott all owned slaves.
The small town has been here for more than 1, 500 years, perched on a dramatic cliff top 1000-feet above the sea, and in the past few centuries has garnered a reputation as a popular escape for creative artists and musicians: Ravello has been a home away from home to Wagner, Truman Capote, Tennessee Williams, Greta Garbo, Graham Greene, Leonard Bernstein and M.
Graham Forbes, a handsome and shallow young man, secretly homosexual, has married Betty Greene, who is plain but rich.