• Grants are being offered in Jersey to people and businesses who undertake environmental projects.

    BBC: Environmental grants offered to Jersey people and firms

  • Furnaces could no longer emit "dark smoke" and households were offered grants towards the cost of converting their coal-burning grates to smokeless fuel.

    BBC: News, London

  • Mr Allebone said the grants would be offered to eligible shop owners and the council would support them through the application process and offer expert advice.

    BBC: Lottery money will restore Wellingborough shop frontages

  • The Welsh assembly has offered grants to encourage health service dentists to set up or expand in areas where there are shortages, but so far this has failed to attract the number of dentists required.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | In search of an NHS dentist

  • And the Obama Administration, as part of its economic stimulus, offered cash grants during 2009-2010 in lieu of the credits.

    FORBES: First Solar: Thanks For The Subsidies

  • And, given the reality of the data, I think the efficiency arguments for changing or eliminating Pell Grants trump any equity arguments that might be offered.

    FORBES: For Whom the Pell Tolls

  • The Nottingham students had found that while Harvard and Yale could offer a range of scholarships and grants, there were many less prestigious universities which offered little to students without funds.

    BBC: Students say top-up fees cut access

  • The government offered twenty-five-million-dollar matching grants to companies that could devise a way to produce the material domestically, without using enriched uranium.

    NEWYORKER: Fussbudget

  • It incorporates the best ideas from Democrats and Republicans --- including some of the ideas that Republicans offered during the health care summit, like funding state grants on medical malpractice reform, and curbing waste and fraud and abuse in the health care system.

    WHITEHOUSE: Moving Forward on Health Care Reform

  • Volunteer grants (aka Dollars for Doers): A type of program offered by businesses to match employee volunteerism with corporate donations.

    FORBES: Got Compassionate Corporatism?

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