Whole Vine produces grapeseed oil and grapeseed flour from vineyard byproducts, and gluten-free cookies, too.
WSJ: From Grief to Growth at Jackson Family Wines
The label of Napa Valley Naturals Grapeseed oil, sold by Spruce Naturals LLC of Reno, Nev.
WSJ: An Oil's Promises, From Cooking to Cosmetics
The lowest values for grapeseed oil can be lower than some canola oils, she added.
WSJ: An Oil's Promises, From Cooking to Cosmetics
It is unclear whether the antioxidants in grapeseed oil penetrate the skin sufficiently to benefit the skin, dermatologists say.
WSJ: An Oil's Promises, From Cooking to Cosmetics
Doctors say grapeseed oil is a healthy oil for cooking and a good moisturizer, but there is scant evidence that it keeps skin looking youthful.
WSJ: An Oil's Promises, From Cooking to Cosmetics
For cooking, grapeseed oil has a high smoke point meaning it can get very hot without smoking and a mild flavor that doesn't interfere with other ingredients.
WSJ: An Oil's Promises, From Cooking to Cosmetics
But since grapeseed oil is a light oil, its antioxidants stand a "better chance" of penetrating than those in some other oils, says Washington, D.
WSJ: An Oil's Promises, From Cooking to Cosmetics
The market for grapeseed oil as a cosmetic is booming.
WSJ: An Oil's Promises, From Cooking to Cosmetics
Grapeseed oil is comparable to other better-known heart-healthy oils, but not necessarily better, says Rachel Johnson, a professor of nutrition at the University of Vermont and chairwoman of the American Heart Association's nutrition committee.
WSJ: An Oil's Promises, From Cooking to Cosmetics
Jessica Wu, a Los Angeles dermatologist and author of "Feed Your Face, " a book about nutrition and food-based topical treatments for skin, says "there is very little in the way of clinical trials" showing the anti-aging benefits of grapeseed oil.
WSJ: An Oil's Promises, From Cooking to Cosmetics