Following two grass fires over the Easter weekend, arson reduction team staff, police and youth workers will visit Maesgeirchen in Bangor on Thursday to get the message across.
Restoration work, such as reconstructing salt marshes near the island of Burano and sand dunes at Cavallino, and planting eel grass all over the place, is part of the solution.
For weeks, my grandfather sat in the long-stemmed grass and pored over the brown volume with its soft pages.
She sold three million copies of her book and led a grass roots movement over 25 years, that required her to be on the road continuously.
The ball pounded off the grass and slipped over the fingertips of Czech goalkeeper Petr Cech and into the net for the decisive goal in Portugal's 1-0 win, sending Ronaldo sprinting into the arms of his teammates and over to the television cameras for a primal scream at close range.
WSJ: Euro 2012: Cristiano Ronaldo, Portugal Show Czech Republic the Exit
Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service has dealt with more than 50 deliberate grass and gorse fires over the past two weeks.
Plastic matting is to be installed over the grass surface of the Land's End runway to allow flights to resume between the Isles of Scilly.
Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service has dealt with more than 50 deliberate grass and gorse fires over the past two weeks and has blamed the increase on youngsters on holiday from school.
Over time, grass has carpeted the remnants of its walls with green.
"Today we're here to announce an unprecedented commitment from media to business, to health care industry, to grass roots organizations, all over our nation, to inform families of these new health insurance options, " Clinton said at a White House event Tuesday.
CNN: Clinton kicks off campaign to insure children under Medicaid
If the community did not over-consume the grass and kept it fertilized and fresh, then it was a useful resource for generations.
Fire crews were called to the blaze on Skye at 17:10 BST on Friday and found it rapidly spreading over an area of grass and heathland due to the dry conditions.
The second nightmare for the prime minister is the prospect of the Labour party being seriously split over the affair with grass roots activists in London defying his leadership and supporting Mr Livingstone.
They had never had anything but grass to eat and did not weigh over eight hundred pounds.
It is performed professionally and informally in grass-root associations and often transmitted over successive generations within the same families.
With both sites found to be suitable, over 290 adders, 400 grass snakes, 17, 000 common lizards and 6, 000 slow worms have been carefully captured by hand and transported in grass-lined boxes to the county.
He scooped tilapia from the ponds, cleaned them in the grass, and grilled them for his guests over an open fire.
In north Wales there were 11 deliberate fires over the Easter weekend of which three were grass blazes.
We swim over conch hiding between thick green blades of turtle grass.
Crossing the great Atrato swamp, where the track became a causeway over slimy logs and then a mat of floating grass, the bike would sometimes sink into nothingness.
Rain over the summer has meant a poorer quality of grass silage, and the farm's maize crop is also expected to produce lower yields when it is harvested in the coming weeks.
There are also fears from some grass roots Tory activists that they will have even less control over the choice of candidates they will be expected to devote hours of their spare time campaigning for.
There is also the idea in tomboyism that you have chosen comfort over flirtation, ease over fussiness, a button-down shirt you've grabbed off the floor over a skirt you can't sit on the grass in.
While the foreclosure epidemic has left communities across the United States overrun with unoccupied houses and overgrown grass, underneath the chaos another trend is quietly emerging that, over the next several decades, could change the face of suburban American life as we know it.
CNN: Is America's suburban dream collapsing into a nightmare?
Experts are divided over the origin of the jelly which has been found on grass banks away from the water's edge at the RSPB's Ham Wall base.
Murray came into the match with a 6-2 head-to-head advantage over Roddick and, having won their only previous meeting on grass, the Scot was expected to triumph on Centre Court.
Outside, a frost had stayed all that day and, icing over now, still whitened the small garden, the patch of grass, the fields beyond.
Henry stands and watches helplessly as the small fire he has birthed flows like brilliant liquid over the tree stump's ragged edges and into the dead grass and pine needles that carpet the barren slope from the water's edge to the lip of the woods.
In north Wales over the Easter weekend there were 11 deliberate fires of which three were grass blazes.
Amid waves of grass in red and green and the hush of the tide, the sun set over the hills.