"The idea of naming the flag after St Petroc is gratuitously offensive, " says Prof Payton.
Tens of billions of dollars of capital had been misdirected and gratuitously destroyed.
But Argentineans should be crying over the great potential that's been gratuitously lost.
Some may find our criticisms upsetting, but we do not make them gratuitously.
Obama cheerfully signed a spending bill that gratuitously included a provision phasing out the program next year unless Congress expressly reauthorizes it.
The mark-to-market madness gratuitously destroyed Lehman Brothers, AIG and numerous other institutions.
Taken together, these measures will allow banks and financial institutions to catch their breath and not fear that they will be gratuitously plunged into insolvency.
In 2008-09 already troubled U.S. banks were being battered by a recently reenacted, arcane accounting rule that was gratuitously destroying the book value of bank capital.
FORBES: Steve Forbes: Why Most Government Leaders Are Sinking The Global Economy
"But that does not give them the right to smear me and gratuitously make a wasteland of my life in the process, " a determined Hatfill said.
It turns out the gratuitously missing links are a perverse effect of the quiet period, a securities regulation under which the company cannot comment publicly on the offering.
At the time, a broad spectrum of such plants already had been crafted by laboratory scientists who were unable to afford the gratuitously inflated regulatory costs to test them in the field.
Monti and the EU gratuitously blocked WorldCom's proposed merger with Sprint, a sensible combination that would have helped WorldCom gain the muscle it needs to weather the storms of change battering telecommunications.
At a time when planes are becoming more crowded, air traffic is growing and air traffic control con- tinues to be run with obsolete technology, gratuitously retiring veteran pilots is both preposterous and an air-safety hazard.
Not gratuitously funny, mind you.
FORBES: P&G, Bud, and Jeep Know the Three Things That Give a Brand -- and a Super Bowl Ad - the Edge
The museum does not gratuitously set out to invoke white guilt but it does show how ordinary people accepted the status-quo of Apartheid and that the regime was supported for so long not so much due to extreme ideological conviction but because ordinary white South Africans found it easier to avoid contemplating an alternative.
FORBES: Miracle Rising: Political Renaissance in South Africa