She planted one at the head of the grave and the other at the foot.
Sumptuous friezes and inscriptions cursing anyone tampering the grave decorate many sarcophagi found in the outgrowth.
Third, the Neanderthal myth was in some way recalled beside a grave, at the limit of human life.
She would speak to the grave, telling Seth about her life and her children.
England is lapsing into recession while Keynes tosses and turns in his grave, discarded.
Rick bought a grave site for himself and went home to his L.A. condo to die.
British economist John Maynard Keynes died and was put in his grave in 1946.
But the oversimplified image that came to me was, yes, that of digging up a grave.
The consequences for the economy would be very serious, very grave, and that would affect growth.
Police said they have grave concerns for Mrs Meagher's safety five days after her disappearance.
BBC: Jill Meagher disappearance: Melbourne CCTV footage shown
This Memorial Day, as always, there will be fresh flowers on my father's grave.
These are grave moments, akin to another inference in a courtroom with so much at stake.
Already his allies are fanning out and accusing Mr Monti of having made "grave errors".
The collapse of the process begun at Kyoto could lead to grave problems among nations.
If Jonathan Ive were dead, which he's not, he'd be spinning in his grave.
The University of Winchester has applied for permission to examine the grave at St Bartholomew Church.
Drunk driving declined only after tough laws and law enforcement made it a grave crime.
WSJ: William Daley and Roseanna Ander: Don't Take Your Guns to Town
Among the men they could not save, the grave of Cornelius O'Shea perhaps stands out.
He was a cradle-to-grave Democrat who held his highest appointive offices in Republican administrations.
"Harry Truman has been rolling in his grave for the last five years, " Sen.
Christopher Halliwell led police to her grave but was not prosecuted after detectives ignored arrest guidelines.
Even supplying work numbers and business email addresses is grave breach of personal privacy.
FORBES: How the Obama Administration is Hurting Job Creation
But Mr Saakashvili called the amnesty a "mass release of criminals", and warned of grave consequences.
General de Gaulle, who saw it all so clearly, must be turning in his grave.
Italian manufacturing company Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali has also risen from the grave under Tilton.
For this, he was convicted of grave robbing and sentenced to sixty days in jail.
He is buried in an unmarked grave in a Quaker cemetery on the outskirts of London.
But that amendment failed, which is frankly a grave threat to the independent broker industry.
Milton took to his grave the satisfaction that he had given, and gotten, his dime's worth.
His grave, in the church of Greyfriars in Leicester, was lost during centuries of redevelopment.