The old boys in St Vincent Place will be rolling (in cash) in their graves.
Graves, Hunt's attorney, had earlier asked that the charges be reduced to a misdemeanor.
Her headstone is topped by a tall wooden cross which towers above the other graves.
Idzik was hired by Graves in 2004 as Arizona's senior director of football operations.
Graves was shot six times that day and spent more than a year in a wheelchair.
"It's taken me years to get to the point where I'm at now, " says Graves.
Allowing graves to be reused would release about a third of spaces, Mrs Jacobs said.
The complex network of passageways provided graves for 1, 000 people and extended over about 5, 700sqkm.
De Palma cleverly exploited New Orleans's stand-up graves and the decadent elegance of its Garden District.
"The management team down there has made improvements, " said agency spokeswoman Debbie Graves Ratcliffe.
"We leave flowers and take pictures, " Burks said of her time at famous graves.
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But it's the rows of graves of never-famous soldiers that give the cemetery its quiet dignity.
Excavating graves with diggers is not the best way to preserve bodies or collate evidence.
They told CNN's Jane Arraf that the graves are at least 12 years old.
Church officials said the bones from the graves have been collected and will be reinterred.
"The point about croquet is that it cannot be made into a spectator sport, " says Graves.
Today, the people of the region anxiously await word about who lies in those graves.
The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.
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The graves were scattered randomly, many with no date, no name, marked only unknown.
Remkus started working for his dad out of high school, digging graves and cutting grass.
Each year thousands of pieces of legislation die quietly and are anonymously buried in unmarked graves.
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Some reports indicated there may be as many as 1, 600 graves at the site.
Nearby residents told CNN's Jane Arraf that the graves are at least 12 years old.
Staff at a hospital near Semenyih say they bury unclaimed bodies in unmarked graves.
She said she saw nothing wrong when she last visited the graves two days before.
Radioiodine therapy may increase your risk of new or worsened symptoms of Graves' ophthalmopathy.
Investigating officer, Det Con Steve Graves, said there were concerns over the difficulty retrieving BBM messages.
As Mark has said, both drivers will go to their graves with differences of opinions.
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Graves at a Staffordshire cemetery are sinking because of recent flooding, families have said.
But no one had come to visit those graves, or place a flower there.