Anyone who can follow their closing paragraphs on the relation between negative gravitationalenergy and the creation of the universe probably knows it all already.
Closer to home, he neatly highlights the role of gravity as an energy "engine" by discussing how the Hoover Dam converts gravitationalenergy into electric power.
Her work uses cosmic gravitational lensing to measure dark energy in the universe in order to help understand how the Universe appears to be accelerating in its expansion.
Building a human-sized wormhole, for example, would require harnessing vast amounts of peculiar quantum field energy and deploying gravitational stabilizing technology that would need the resources of a cosmic super-civilization.
Indeed, in 1974 Russell Hulse and Joseph Taylor recorded an indirect sighting when they showed that a pair of stars spiralling towards each other was radiating energy in the form of gravitational waves at exactly the rate predicted by Einstein.
The camera should be able to gather enough data to allow all four possible avenues for exploring dark energy: galaxy clusters, supernovae, large-scale galaxy clumping and weak gravitational lensing, at the same time.
The problem becomes less acute once they've cleared the atmosphere, but the high speeds required to escape the Earth's gravitational field (more than 6.8 miles per second) necessitate an enormous amount of energy.