On another episode of the same show, actor Jack Thompson learned that his great-great-great grandfather was a convict from Ireland, charged with highway robbery.
Bringing your friends home to show off a new Ham radio or your great-great-great grandfather's rebel flag probably won't boost your popularity in high school.
But what, Michel, about the lives of your great-great-grandfather, your great-great-grandmother?
Rounding out the new research into Cinco de Mayo is Hayes-Bautista's family legend that recounts how his great-great-grandfather Bartolo Bautista was part of local militia supporting the Mexican army in the Battle of Puebla.
It was cold, late autumn, last glowing leaves clinging to the liquid-ambars and maples his great-grandfather's brother had planted, their surrender close.
My sister said I was the crazy one, rattling around the three-story dilapidated mansion our great-grandfather built before he died of syphilis, wondering how I was going to pay the light bill.
He had no choice but to do the unthinkable -- close the farm started by his great-grandfather.
The Jif-Crisco acquisition is the biggest event in the history of the company, founded as an apple-butter maker by Tim and Richard's great-grandfather, Jerome Monroe Smucker, in 1897.
One passenger, Susie Miller - whose great-grandfather Thomas Miller died when the Titanic sank - said she was "following in his wake".
Royall--whose great-grandfather cofounded Humble Oil, now part of ExxonMobil--won't talk.
Party officials are hoping that the 42-year-old Mr. Gandhi, whose father, grandmother and great-grandfather were all Indian prime ministers, will help it to stay in power.
Ms. Persing found her famous relatives by merging her Geni profile with more-developed profiles and then scanning down to her alleged 25th great-grandfather on her father's side.
My Austrian great-grandfather had fought in the Great War and was no longer young when Anschluss came in 1938.
The model we in the West grew up with - and our great-grandfather's parents grew up with too - turns out not to be immutable.
Mr. BRAUER: My great-great-grandfather, Frederick Brauer(ph), came to this country in--I believe it was 1837.
After all, that's been the Anderson family trade since 1891, when his great-great grandfather came to Callaway County from Sweden.
The previous record, of 59 years, two months and 13 days, was set by his great-great-grandfather, King Edward VII, Clarence House said.
She's Jelly Belly's executive vice chairman and the fifth generation of her family to run the company, started in 1869 by her great-great-grandfather.
He possessed robes that had been made for his great-great grandfather when a ban was lifted in 1829 on Roman Catholics sitting in Parliament.
It was called Samuel Adams Boston Lager, and came from a recipe first brewed in 1870 by the great-great-grandfather of management consultant turned brewing entrepreneur Jim Koch.
He found out that his great-great-grandfather fought in an uprising in Bulgaria called the "April Uprising, " and this discovery, amongst other April-related happenings, inspired the naming of the album.
He's a thoughtful man of 51 with a more than routine feeling of responsibility for the onetime family firm that was founded by his great-great grandfather in Somerville, Mass. 126 years ago.
One discovered that her great-great-grandfather was probably P.
Cyril, in brief remarks, said it was a bold move by his great-great-grandfather at the time to build his own company rather than be a grower of grapes for the established cognac producers, as others were.
To Mr. Lyle, whose father, grandfather and great-grandfather were all bookies, this fact was very attractive.
He joined a plethora of family members who served, including my grandfather and great-grandfather, a bunch of uncles and cousins and my father-in-law.
Her grandfather and great-grandfather served in the Royal Malta Regiment and the Malta Crown Advocate, and they were in turn descended from the Maltese nobleman, the Marquis di Taflia.
He was also a family man and my father, a grandfather and a great-grandfather.
My grandfather and my great-grandfather both served in the Navy during World War II which likely explains why both of my brothers are also Navy men (though one is now retired from the military).