Mr. BRAUER: My great-great-grandfather, Frederick Brauer(ph), came to this country in--I believe it was 1837.
After all, that's been the Anderson family trade since 1891, when his great-great grandfather came to Callaway County from Sweden.
When my great, great, great, great, grandfather arrived in New York City after a voyage that began there, the St.
The previous record, of 59 years, two months and 13 days, was set by his great-great-grandfather, King Edward VII, Clarence House said.
On another episode of the same show, actor Jack Thompson learned that his great-great-great grandfather was a convict from Ireland, charged with highway robbery.
She's Jelly Belly's executive vice chairman and the fifth generation of her family to run the company, started in 1869 by her great-great-grandfather.
He possessed robes that had been made for his great-great grandfather when a ban was lifted in 1829 on Roman Catholics sitting in Parliament.
Bringing your friends home to show off a new Ham radio or your great-great-great grandfather's rebel flag probably won't boost your popularity in high school.
But what, Michel, about the lives of your great-great-grandfather, your great-great-grandmother?
It was called Samuel Adams Boston Lager, and came from a recipe first brewed in 1870 by the great-great-grandfather of management consultant turned brewing entrepreneur Jim Koch.
His great, great grandfather Thomas started the business in the 1920s and it was carried on by his grandfather Walter and father Thomas who retired 20 years ago.
He found out that his great-great-grandfather fought in an uprising in Bulgaria called the "April Uprising, " and this discovery, amongst other April-related happenings, inspired the naming of the album.
He's a thoughtful man of 51 with a more than routine feeling of responsibility for the onetime family firm that was founded by his great-great grandfather in Somerville, Mass. 126 years ago.
Rounding out the new research into Cinco de Mayo is Hayes-Bautista's family legend that recounts how his great-great-grandfather Bartolo Bautista was part of local militia supporting the Mexican army in the Battle of Puebla.
One discovered that her great-great-grandfather was probably P.
Cyril, in brief remarks, said it was a bold move by his great-great-grandfather at the time to build his own company rather than be a grower of grapes for the established cognac producers, as others were.
However, no amount of online searching, staring at microfilm or even a private luxury tour can match the actual discovery of, say, your great, great grandfather's headstone in the grounds of a tiny Devon chapel, or knocking on the door of that thatched village house that was home to your long-dead relatives.
To Mr. Lyle, whose father, grandfather and great-grandfather were all bookies, this fact was very attractive.
He joined a plethora of family members who served, including my grandfather and great-grandfather, a bunch of uncles and cousins and my father-in-law.
Her grandfather and great-grandfather served in the Royal Malta Regiment and the Malta Crown Advocate, and they were in turn descended from the Maltese nobleman, the Marquis di Taflia.
He was also a family man and my father, a grandfather and a great-grandfather.
My grandfather and my great-grandfather both served in the Navy during World War II which likely explains why both of my brothers are also Navy men (though one is now retired from the military).
My Austrian great-grandfather had fought in the Great War and was no longer young when Anschluss came in 1938.
The couple, married in 1940 at St John's Church in Taunton, Somerset, had two children and Mr Hoare is now grandfather to six and great-grandfather to a further six children.
"The cemetery is where my grandfather is buried, my great-grandfather, for many generations back, " Guez says.
He was a father of nine, a grandfather of 52 and a great-grandfather of two, according to the website.
His great-grandfather, Epitacio Martinez, was used for target practice by the Texan gang before Baca arrived.
At age 18, he is a tobacco farmer, just like his father, grandfather and great grandfather.
On the cover of the debut issue in 1917 (price: 15 cents), my great-grandfather B.