By good fortune, the Great Red Spot will be traveling across the middle of Jupiter's disk during Slooh's live broadcast.
ENGADGET: PSA: Slooh's Space Camera broadcasting Moon / Jupiter conjunction right now
In addition to its Great Red Spot, astronomers have been following three smaller storms, known as white ovals, for the past 50 years.
ECONOMIST: Comparative meteorology
This summer, two of them merged to form a single oval, larger than the earth, making the second-biggest storm in the solar system after the Great Red Spot.
ECONOMIST: Comparative meteorology
Unlike the long-lived storms of Jupiter, one of which (the Great Red Spot) has been tracked continously by observers for many decades, Neptune's spots seem to be relatively short-lived.
ECONOMIST: Comparative meteorology
It is a great diving spot, thanks to the red coral that gives the Red Sea its name, but as a duty-free destination where people come to shop, the city has ambitions to be more like Dubai.
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