When I moved to Jakarta, it was 1967, and it was a time that had followed great suffering and conflict in parts of this country.
However, the massive floods that have recently struck the Pakistani people are causing great suffering and apprehension for all, and the domestic government and humanitarian communities are hard pressed to respond adequately.
"We fear that any such decision on the part of foreign powers to give assistance to one side or the other in Afghanistan is a recipe for great suffering for the people of Afghanistan, " he said.
With our current understanding producing a human clone would involve great human suffering for a questionable end.
So even if Zimmerman killed Martin, he was justified in doing so if he believed he was in danger of being killed himself or of suffering great bodily harm.
Having paid penance for the Great Depression by suffering through six decades of inflation, it is time for us to revive old-fashioned logic concerning the potential benefits of deflation.
Our sacrifices will be great, but our suffering is in the name of protecting others.
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To reduce employment by reducing or limiting unemployment benefits might speed the process along, but at a great cost in human suffering.
While they can provide great comfort for patients suffering from these diseases, these drugs are known to cause adverse events like weight gain and sexual dysfunction.
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He was said to be suffering from the great stress and heavy workload that goes with his job and had already handed over responsibility for holding daily briefings for journalists.
Also striking are the photographs of religious statuary, notably a crucified Christ, which underline the empathy the impoverished Mexicans in Strand's photos must have felt for those whose suffering was as great as their own.
Quitting the euro would not be pain-free -- but it might well become a less painful alternative to what those countries are suffering now: Great Depression levels of unemployment, rising taxes, massive social security cutbacks.
Liberal Democrat Lord Alderdice, who co-sponsored the amendment, said the issue was about making "absolutely clear" that concern for those with mental health issues "is every bit as great" as for people suffering from physical illnesses.
The snowstorm turned out to be a welcome one to many Kansans and many others throughout the Great Plains, who have been suffering a drought for a third straight year.
What has happened there now, the great tragedy, is the terrible suffering by innocents in Lebanon and Israel, and that's why hopefully there can be an agreement to have that cease-fire policed by an international peacekeeping force.
Well, great news to all those long-suffering up-and-comers: Now you can pay to have your music rejected by industry executives!
Mr. WESSEL: The financial system is suffering the worst shock since the Great Depression.
The US is suffering its worst economic decline since the Great Depression.
While the official U.S. military mission in Iraq has ended, it is clear that the people of this nation are still suffering and the need for international humanitarian aid is great.
Yes, the children of Israel have returned to "to their own border"- to the Land of Israel-and the long history of Moroccan Jewry is a special part of Israel's unique saga, achieved with much tears, pain, and suffering, but also with joy and hope, and great expectations over the ages.
It happened to be created out of a lot of pain and suffering and sincerity and it just so happens that every song is great, every lyric is great, and every song has something that seems to appeal to someone -- except me.
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This can only further tarnish the general public image of Wall Street, which has been suffering ever since the fall of Lehman Brothers and all the trouble that followed into the Great Recession.
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Perhaps as an old man I will take great comfort in pottering around in a lab and gently talking to students in the summer evening and will accept suffering with insouciance.