Have you ever heard that the Great Wall of China is visible from outer space?
No physical object more grandly symbolizes Chinese accomplishments than the Great Wall of China.
Davies misses both tournaments as she is taking part in a charity walk along the Great Wall of China.
Fatboy Slim has previously played at Bondi Beach in Sydney, the Great Wall of China and in an igloo.
And outside of Beijing, there is, of course, the Great Wall of China.
There are currently more than 800 World Heritage sites, including the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China and the Statue of Liberty.
Some pilots, however, may soon have to brush up on their customary airborne banter--they'll more likely be pointing out whole continents or even the Great Wall of China.
From making the Statue of Liberty disappear, walking right through the Great Wall of China to levitating over the Grand Canyon, Copperfield is constantly redefining the realms of possibility.
The trip included visits to the forbidden city and great wall of China in Beijing, the terra cotta warrior museum in Xi An and the Bund and French Concession in Shanghai.
London (CNN) -- Coal slag heaps up to 450-feet high may not seem the obvious candidates to join a list that includes the pyramids of Egypt, the Great Wall of China, and Yellowstone National Park.
Mr. Sures has three phones: an iPhone 4s, a BlackBerry Bold and a satellite phone kept in case of emergency like the time he was at the Great Wall of China and couldn't get cellular service.
Apparently, those that won - the Great Wall of China, for example, Machu Picchu - even the governments in those country appeal to the citizens to go online because it was an online vote, and vote.
QUIST-ARCTON: There's the Great Wall of China, Petra in Jordan, Christ the Redeemer - the Statue in Brazil - Machu Picchu in Peru, Chichen Itza in Mexico, the Coliseum in Rome and the Taj Mahal in India.
To orchestrate his 1993 Project to Extend the Great Wall of China by 10, 000 Meters, for example, he and some assistants suspended approximately six miles of fuse in the Gobi desert, beginning where the Great Wall ended.
From the Great Wall in China to the World War II battles of Iwo Jima, a cruise-led history lesson can span thousands of years.
Padlocks have since sprouted from the Great Wall in China to the Brooklyn Bridge to the fence of a freeway overpass in Silicon Valley.