Putting national interest before partisan loyalty, he criticized the Bush administration and its supporting Neocon Greek Chorus.
Mr. Rachman has a bit part in the Greek Chorus this time around.
Had I not cut and pasted this crazed quote myself, I might have guessed it came from a reedy tenor in the HuffPo Greek chorus.
Moussaoui has assumed a role as Greek chorus for his own trial, as he skewers Western culture with his own knowledge of it.
Around them flutters a Greek chorus of advisers, civil servants, old friends and new spinmasters, whose aggrieved or gloating comments bring these pages to life.
Meanwhile, a chattering Greek Chorus of commentators and pundits laments that America is in decline and fearlessly predicts that the New Guy will take over the town.
" Laura Hillebrand's "Unbroken" has been a tremendous critical and popular success, but that skeptical muttering practically became a Greek chorus while I was reading this "true story.
The Greek chorus has a privileged relationship with the protagonists: its leader often stops in mid-commentary to talk to the hero and praise or upbraid him for his intended actions.
The most "Stardust" supplies in this department is a hilarious Greek chorus made up of fallen heirs to the Stormhold throne, and Robert De Niro as the fierce captain of a flying pirate ship who's leading a double life.
The spectacle of being shouted down by a Greek chorus of political operatives and their media handmaidens defending the entrenched orthodoxy, who routinely cast their critics as political stooges and tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists, is enough to keep others silent.
FORBES: Distorted Government Statistics Endanger Our Economic Health
Washington's request was met by a chorus of protest, particularly from Greek ship owners who claim that America needs to know only who is in day-to-day control of a vessel, not the name of the beneficial owner.