Mrs Hutchings responded to Mr Cleggs comments, saying Eastleigh's Lib Dems have plans for a further 3, 300 homes on green land.
An attempt to stop a new road being built on green land near Witney has been rejected by a government planning inspector.
They made off in the direction of School Lane in a green Land Rover Defender which had been stolen from Offord Road, Graveley, on Wednesday.
Chancellor George Osborne has urged local authorities to use existing powers enabling them to build on Green Belt land if an equivalent area of land elsewhere is brought into the Green Belt.
The land formerly occupied by the travellers was supposed to be turned back to green belt land.
But nearby parish councils opposed the plans as an expansion into green belt land.
South Buckinghamshire Council rejected the plans as an "inappropriate" expansion into green belt land.
But nearby parish councils oppose the plans as an "inappropriate" expansion into green belt land.
The partnerships went by such names as GRP2, Green Earth Land General Partnership and CH4 Florida.
Plans to build 450 homes on green belt land in Nottinghamshire have been approved, despite local opposition.
Council proposals now include building hundreds of houses on green belt land in Bath, Whitchurch and Keynsham.
Since the plans means building on green belt land, it will be referred to Communities Secretary Eric Pickles.
Southend councillor David Garston said "with heavy hearts", committee members could see no case for disturbing green belt land.
Critically, there is a need now to finalise the first version of the Green Development Land Management Certification Reference Guide.
An Essex hospice in "desperate need" for palliative care facilities is appealing over a council's refusal of a new site on green belt land.
It also wants any new high voltage transmission lines to avoid areas of outstanding natural beauty, national parks, world heritage sites and green belt land.
"Clearly Pinewood is an important industrial partner in the area but they will have to make a very good case to use green belt land, " he said.
Wokingham Borough Council plans to replace the site's existing 16 pitches with a total of 20 pitches over a wider area, some of which is green belt land.
The fourth site is for eight residential pitches on green belt land on the edge of urban development at Throop Road, between Woodbury Avenue and an area of allotments.
Last year's clearance of 49 illegal pitches at Dale Farm was the culmination of a 10-year battle between travellers, who bought a former scrapyard on green belt land, and the council.
The clearance of 49 illegal pitches at Dale Farm in 2011 was the culmination of a 10-year battle between travellers, who bought a former scrap yard on green belt land, and the council.
BBC: Dale Farm eviction: Council to lease traveller site land
In terms of development outcomes, the Meeting agreed that the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) should form the basis for any assessment of the development outcomes of a certified green development land management plan.
Normally the Secretary of State, Eric Pickles, is the star turn, but this time we can expect some pointed questions to the new Planning Minister, Nick Boles, about possible moves to allow more development on green belt land.
But the laugh on the last was left to the Molinari brothers who held their nerve to secure a half point from the jaws of defeat as Francesco cleared the water feature protecting the green to land the ball within inches of the hole.
Wakefield City Council backed the development on green-belt land bordering Leeds and Wakefield in 2010.
George Osborne, the chancellor, has hinted that councils should be more willing to allow building on green-belt land.
The Green Party endorses Land Value Taxation, but not as an exclusive tax.
However, Leeds City Council objected to the use of green-belt land and a possible blurring of the boundaries between Leeds and Wakefield.
In 1993, he advised the hotel owner over planning permission from Newark and Sherwood district council for five expensive houses on green-belt land.
Indeed, in May Mr Osborne supported a campaign against a proposal to build on green-belt land in his constituency in Cheshire, in north-west England.