The green paper sets out options which include handing management to private companies to save costs.
With five weeks of consultation remaining, the Green Paper had so far prompted 16, 000 written responses.
The comments came in a leaked response to the Scottish government's green paper on higher education.
One thing the green paper noticeably avoids doing is setting actual targets for affordable housing.
Work also colours the green paper's principle that the welfare system should support families and children.
One serious remaining obstacle to work is mentioned but not addressed in the green paper.
The Government set out its pension policy in the Green Paper Partnership in Pensions in December 1998.
In the Green Paper there are two options, neither of which would see the status quo survive.
The Welsh government has published a green paper asking whether a Public Health Bill is needed.
However, wrapping such measures in green paper and presenting them as anti-global-warming strategies might help their acceptance.
The green paper talks cautiously of exploring whether tax measures could help make the sector work better.
The Wales Office confirmed that a proposal in the green paper to re-draw constituency boundaries has been abandoned.
The green paper says that although health is improving, it is not as good as it should be.
The proposals are a central plank of the government's Green Paper consultation document on reforming teachers' pay and conditions.
The green paper will raise the possibility that additional revenues could be raised by road pricing and parking charges.
Eventually the government will set out proposals for reform in a Green Paper.
Mr Russell added the Scottish government would publish a green paper detailing Scottish solutions to the funding of universities.
At the time, the Labour Party welcomed the Green Paper but warned it would not stop the cuts facing charities.
Six options were set out in the SNP administration's green paper on higher education, including the state retaining "prime responsibility".
Since a green paper was published in 2008, more than 1, 300 homes have been insulated through the Energy Efficiency Service.
Last summer, a Green Paper was published putting forward a series of proposals affecting the whole range of social services.
Carwyn Jones said he and Mr Cameron discussed "at length" the UK government's Green Paper on changes to Assembly boundaries.
BBC: Welsh assembly voting: Carwyn Jones meets David Cameron
The Justice and Security green paper was published on 19 October 2011, and the accompanying consultation closed on 6 January 2012.
The day after the green paper was published, the Sun splashed criticism of the new prisons policy across its front page.
One answer, suggests the green paper, is for Britain's forces to become more adaptable, able to change structure and equipment more quickly.
The electricity regulator, Stephen Littlechild, told The Economist that the green paper identified a number of issues with which ministers were uncomfortable.
For the green paper specifically excludes officials of foreign governments or international organisations from sitting on the board of the controlling corporation.
Even its critics accept that the green paper outlines some useful reforms.
The green paper advocates giving potential tenants a wider choice of accommodation.
The green paper does not spell out all the hard choices Britain will have to make, but it sets out two important principles.