Many schools have pledged to go "carbon neutral" by offsetting their greenhouse gas emissions by investing in CO2 reduction efforts elsewhere.
This would mean a cost savings as well as a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over the status quo.
EVs are attractive to DOD for a range of reasons, including reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, enhanced energy security, and the ability to retain power during a crisis by pairing EVs with microgrids, said Gorguinpour.
The Alberta government website says the province is the first jurisdiction to set mandatory reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions.
Water-cooling of this sort could also make a more direct contribution to the reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions, by promoting the use of solar energy.
The markets are perfectly capable of winnowing things out on their own, and have already created a dramatic reduction in US greenhouse gas emissions thanks to the increased use of natural gas in power generation.
The decline in U.S. emissions from 2005 to 2012 706 million metric tons of carbon dioxide puts the U.S. a long way toward achieving the 17% reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions from 2005 the Obama administration set as its 2020 goal a few years ago.
WSJ: Rise in U.S. Gas Production Fuels Unexpected Plunge in Emissions
But technological advances and improvements in recovery methods, as well as reduction of water usage and greenhouse gas emissions, have made oil sands a viable and popular option for the future of U.S. energy.
FORBES: America's Energy Future May Lie In Canada's Oil Sands
Environmentally, Europe will become a "green" hero--because lower economic growth means a natural reduction in energy consumption and dreaded greenhouse gas emissions.
Under Kyoto, the developed countries committed to cutting their greenhouse gas emissions by varying amounts, which averaged out to a 5.2% reduction below 1990 emission levels.
New York City could cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 90% by 2050 by implementing a portfolio of energy reduction measures using existing technologies, according to a report released last week by the Urban Green Council.
FORBES: Rethinking Our Response to Climate Change: Carbon Wedges 2.0
Data shows that greenhouse gas emissions fell by 99 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) during 2008, making a total net reduction of 627m tonnes of CO2e from 1990 levels.