And at the same time we can hear really the monks in the monastery - elements of Gregorian chant.
In the United States, singers in the African-American church popularized the vocal practice, which dates to Gregorian chants and Indian ragas.
The Gregorian calendar is used today in the large majority of countries.
Clavius started his career by taking on the reform of the Gregorian calendar, a project partly inspired by Copernicus and his book.
FORBES: A Long Forgotten Father of the Scientific Revolution
The next day would be February 14 under the Gregorian system, the dates in between being scrapped to correct the difference between the two.
The Chalice workers in Missoula use Gregorian chant partly because it is unmetered and so can be carefully matched to the dying patient's breathing.
In 1582, in Italy and Spain, this day became the first day of the Gregorian Calendar after it was adopted by Pope Gregory XIII.
From 1991-94 he was an ordained priest in the Catholic church, having attended the Gregorian University in Rome and the Franciscan Study Centre in Canterbury.
Still, one of Laurie's matches was interested in Gregorian chants.
In 1752, Britain and its colonies adopted the Gregorian calendar.
This was New Year's Day until the 18th Century, and the tax year got separated from it when we jumped 11 days switching to the Gregorian calendar in 1752.
He traveled, though less extensively than John Paul, and presided over Masses that were heavy on Latin, Gregorian chant and the silk brocaded vestments of his pre-Vatican II predecessors.
The versions of the chant performed on the island vary little from their Gregorian roots: each is sung a cappella with music between the verses provided by an organ.
The son of a butcher, he was born in Mafra, Santa Catarina, as one of eight children and completed his theological studies at Rome's Pontifical Gregorian and Pontifical Lateran Universities.
This is followed at 4:30 p.m. with a procession into the Sistine Chapel, with the cardinals intoning the Litany of Saints, the hypnotic Gregorian chant imploring the saints to help guide their voting.
The sentence came after a six-month trial that featured as witnesses a "Who's Who" of New York's social elite, including Henry Kissinger, Graydon Carter, Barbara Walters, Vartan Gregorian and Annette de la Renta.
"Millennial festivities would not even exist were it not for the Gregorian calendar structured around the birth of Jesus Christ, " said the writer, who pointed out that China had its own well-established dating system centuries before the Western one went into effect.
Before the Revolution, Russia had not yet adopted the Gregorian calendar, introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 to mitigate the errors of the Julian calendar, which owes its name to the Roman emperor who had chosen it 46 years before the birth of Jesus Christ.
Francis also raised traditional eyebrows when he refused the golden pectoral cross offered to him right after his election by Monsignor Guido Marini, the Vatican's liturgy guru who under Benedict became the symbol of Benedict's effort to restore the Gregorian chant and heavy silk brocaded vestments of the pre-Vatican II liturgy to papal Masses.