Many economists pooh-pooh the idea of hyperinflation bursting forth in a stable democracy, Grice notes.
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It's that kind of academic inspiration that a young Gary Grice could have used growing up in Brooklyn in the 1970s.
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Mr Grice said one reason for this anomaly was the move to part-time work, which had also affected the "productive capacity" of the economy.
The town's mayor, Philip Grice, said the King Street post office was one of the main reasons shoppers still travelled to the area.
The stage is set, Grice says, for a permanent step up in grain prices, just as oil prices jumped following the 1973 Arab oil embargo.
If you think grain is headed for a higher plateau, Grice recommends looking at stocks like Bunge, Archer Daniels Midland, Yara International, Agrium, Syngenta and Monsanto.
Mr Grice said his team was not given enough time to check the report and had asked the auditor general to delay publication until the middle of July.
"We think it is much more important to look at what has been happening to the broad trends in the economy over a period of time, " Mr Grice said.
But Joe Grice, chief economic adviser to the ONS, said the construction data was based on a survey of 8, 000 companies and had been carefully checked and double checked.
Grice next surveys the market for China hedges.
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The parliament's chief executive, Paul Grice, rejected a number of the critical conclusions in the report, including those on cost management, responsibility for programming, the process of reporting cost increases to MSPs and the ability of project managers to cap consultants' fees.
As for the overall health and solvency of the Japanese economy, Grice says that there is ultimately some concern about the potential for defaults on government debt, but that this is a risk that investors can be hedged at attractive prices, enabling investors to focus on stock selection.
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