The Savages are grimly aware that they will have to do the same thing soon.
By necessity, a president spending a night away from the White House is grimly serious business.
His cape swirls in the wind that screams around the tower and he looks grimly down upon the city.
The war of 1920 is virtually forgotten outside of central Europe today, but its aftermath had all-too-grimly-real consequences.
Cynics could only smile grimly when cabinet members were asked to declare their assets -- but not publicly.
Italians joke grimly that you still have to spend a lot of time proving to bureaucrats that you exist.
"there's no bringing her back, " a grimly apt line just before Madeleine falls from the tower a second time.
All of a sudden, Nikita Khruschev's words from the previous year -- "We will bury you" -- echoed grimly.
When its turn came, the Obama administration used the Patriot Act its title now grimly appropriate and defended it in court.
Hezbollah has grimly demonstrated its ability to assassinate targeted militia members at will.
Her partner says grimly that he was "happy" when he heard the news.
In all, the movie is a grimly mischievous emblem of our media-haunted world.
Many Republicans, watching grimly, thought they were seeing the rebirth of big government.
More recently, both fascist-era Japan and the Soviet Union, with grimly authoritarian cultures, punched well above their weight in innovation.
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If more companies and investors follow suit, those who have grimly predicted capital flight and a collapsing currency, could yet be vindicated.
In the meantime the damage to the government and, as the Tories are grimly aware, to the whole political class goes on.
At the entrance to Chernovohrad, a prototypical Lenin statue stares grimly at a jumble of abandoned factories down the road.
The movie is grimly overproduced and exhausting, an irritating, preposterous, but fitfully enjoyable work, in which every element has been inflated.
The movie is a grimly fascinating pageant of fanaticism, sacrifice, and death, and the most striking passage comes near the end.
From the wreckage of 104-8, Broad clung on grimly to remain unbeaten on 18, the third best score of the innings.
Jo Mielziner's reduced scenic contribution was grimly lighted by Mr. Stanley, while Santo Loquasto gave the 24-dancer cast new and lackluster costumes.
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But Corretja hung on grimly and finally edged through 6-3 4-6 3-6 7-6 (7-5) 6-2 after three hours 39 minutes on court.
Ernest Hemingway is described standing up at his desk, grimly rewriting his terse, condensed prose some 15 times before getting it right.
ECONOMIST: The wonders and mess of the 20th century on the page
The chief of staff and the then defence minister eventually succumbed to public anger and stepped down, but Mr Olmert hung grimly on.
The government's strategy may be to hang on grimly until after the vote, when it expects to stay in power, and then act.
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Less grimly, electric currents have been used for years by physical therapists to make muscles contract as a way of stimulating and strengthening them.
FIS, during a dental check-up grimly put paid to the joke that the one place an Arab could open his mouth was at the dentist's.
Executives from rival Toshiba grimly declared that they would carry on.
Harlequins stuck grimly to their task despite often desperate defensive scrambling.
Germany and Spain are grimly attempting to hold back the tide.