If big, branded goods companies do less manufacturing, somebody has to grind the stuff out.
The traditional method for making zinc oxide is to grind it into crystals about 200 nanometers wide.
Without the test animals, whole swaths of medical research would grind to a halt.
Grind lime-treated corn more finely, and you have masa, the base for tortillas and tamales.
We were preparing for a seven game grind of a series and we're now into one.
Your dentist can tell you definitively if you grind your teeth at night or not.
One industry sure to grow even if the tough times grind on will be mobile broadband.
Cornmeal can range from a fine flour to a grind as coarse as Kosher salt.
"In practice, the economy doesn't grind to a halt for one day, " Mr. Shaw says.
The wheels of the laws grind slowly enough, but science proceeds even more hesitantly.
Grind the cumin and coriander finely with a mortar and pestle or in a spice grinder.
Traditionally, the meat is minced by hand, but I ask my butcher to coarsely grind it.
The second half degenerated into a kicking contest as Worcester looked to grind out a victory.
"They take a tumor and grind it up" and inject it back into the patient.
Facebook, which obviously has its own ax to grind on this subject, has a different view.
The meds made him grind his teeth and his fist would suddenly pound down.
But he expects only a long, hard grind for airlines in Europe and America.
As the largest retail bank in the UK, Lloyds is preparing for years of hard grind.
Though he managed to grind out some spectacular drives post-blackout, he made some crucial mistakes.
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Without swift action, mobile networks will gradually grind to a halt, warned the agency.
There's new technology, and a 24-hour news grind pushing, pushing, pushing for an instant answer.
What makes Mr Sudetic's book compelling is that he has no axe to grind.
The game does a good job of capturing some of the grind of campaigning.
Leaving the daily grind of a work schedule can be great, if you have a plan.
And it would certainly take the grind out of the daily drive to work.
We try to take that daily grind away and automate social media for them.
But on the current evidence don't expect America's recovery to grind to a halt.
The game just does not have the non-quest, non-grind stuff to sell in the store.
Most of the firms with an axe to grind are based in Silicon Valley.
The slow grind of this rough economy has caused many friends and families to reset gift-giving practices.