All too often, though, the wheels of regulation grind in only one direction.
This becomes especially true after a decade that saw stock prices grind in place, while company balance sheets were strengthened.
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Of course, he has a major axe to grind in this conversation and encourages people to continue to buy bonds whenever he can.
As the wheels of justice grind in the fraud and conspiracy case against ex-Chairman Kenneth Lay and ex-Chief Executive Jeffrey Skilling , their one-time lieutenant faced a rough cross-examination.
While U.S. stocks gained ground, the grind higher in prices that dominated trading through late April has given way to more back-and-forth swings.
The wheels of justice may grind slowly in the coming weeks - but Ms Dati is determined to act fast, and she may get her way.
They seem to deliberately put on the ear muffs, so as not hear hear the cries of the minnows they grind up in their processing mills.
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But he expects only a long, hard grind for airlines in Europe and America.
Most of the firms with an axe to grind are based in Silicon Valley.
Anyone can now grind coffee beans in his kitchen, and virtually every food outfit sells the stuff.
The earthquake happened along a line where the Earth's Indo-Australian and Eurasian tectonic plates grind together, in the waters west of Sumatra.
Everyone and their grandmother with an axe to grind is piling in and insisting that this or that must be allowed, abolished, forbidden or compulsory.
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Because it was always a policy and initiative list, there were many government officials involved, each with a policy axe to grind, weighing in, and the speechwriter was caught in the middle trying to make the words cover everything and still transmit a good speech.
While it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind, you'll ultimately reduce your stress by taking a step back to focus on your business in the long-term scheme of things.
The game just does not have the non-quest, non-grind stuff to sell in the store.
As with everything else in Obamacare, the details about coverage by age will be sorted out in the grind of implementation.
These are owners of roofing, landscaping and metal-stamping firms too wrapped up in the grind to focus on internal controls and long-term strategy.
Middle-aged men and women that just two minutes before seemed like they lived boring daily grind lives were laughing in joy like small children on Christmas morning.
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He knows what its like to get so caught up in the grind of business that you lose sight of long-term goals, corporate culture, and growth strategies.
Mentally, the French have been known to lose the plot in the past, but now they seem to be able to dig in and grind through games without giving up.
But since 1986, when Philips died - coincidentally the same year that India's wilting hockey abilities first became truly evident - all she has known has been the pain of life's daily grind as a dishwasher in a restaurant.
Radio-tracking usually requires the tedious grind of following animals around in a vehicle and noting their positions by hand.
But Cubans have seen little or no improvement in their daily grind.
Too often we get caught up in the daily grind and our intentions of eating lunch go out the window as emails and deadlines takeover.
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In a game, we may find the fighting tedious, or the storyline dreary, or the never-ending grind to reach higher levels in World of Warcraft just too much trouble, and so we use some sort of cheat to jump ahead in the game's timeline, maybe all the way to the conclusion.
If this authority is not renewed, the current Doha round, which is already in trouble, will grind to a halt.
There's no complicated story line or rendered cut scenes in-between skating -- you simply grind, gleam, and glide through ten different skate areas including classics like Burnside in Portland or the streets of San Francisco.
"If I bring in 100 people that don't have an ax to grind, don't want any money, they're in 50 different states, they don't know each other, they're all massage therapists, they all have dates, they're at different spa resorts and they say this exact same thing happened, it's pretty hard to refute, " Okarocha said.