In four years, he has grossed more than what he spent on the unit, he said.
WSJ: Buenos Aires Lures Foreign Buyers With Tumbling Prices��WSJ Mansion
Another government oil company, Pertamina of Indonesia (No. 48), grossed 25.7% and netted 374% more.
Many consumers are grossed out by a label warning about its potential unintended laxative effects.
The studio reported that its science-fiction sequel grossed 70% more than 2009's "Star Trek" reboot, also directed by J.
WSJ: 'Iron Man' Tops Box Office; 'Gatsby' Enjoys Strong Debut
Sogo shosha Marubeni (No. 7) and Nissho Iwai (No. 10) grossed about 15% less, but managed to swing back into the black.
Today, Ms. Jimenez says she feels better and can stick to her treatment, though she is still "grossed out" by the pills.
"I thought I'd be grossed out but came away fascinated, " Frommer said.
And I'm proud, rather than grossed out, that my family has played a small role in its production over the past 30 years.
In 2010, fee-based dating Web sites grossed over a billion dollars.
Ticket sales have been particularly strong in the U.K., Germany, Australia, and in Russia, where the new film has already grossed more than the 2009 one.
Last week the ache was unmistakable--and even touching--but the 300 media types watching in the press room at Dartmouth were, to use the appropriate technical term, totally grossed out by it.
They required complete control of the budget for campaign expenses. (One of their rules: save seventy-five per cent of your budget for the month before Election Day.) The firm grossed about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year.