Radio calls captured by the website show the Spirit pilot warned ground control about limited space to maneuver.
In the original song, Ground Control loses radio contact with the astronaut, Major Tom, implying that the mission has failed.
The unit will include several air vehicles, a ground control station, satellite datalinks and various other subsystems essential to combat operations.
The ground control stations send their commands to Reaper via a fibre-optic link to a satellite relay station in Europe, which bounces them into space and back down to the aircraft.
Informing ground control on initial contact and indicating an intent to fly the Bay Tour paves the way smoothly for obtaining the Class Bravo clearance to transit through the San Francisco airspace.
Yet as UAV technology improves they are set to become an even more important part of security and military operations -- part of a system that gathers and relays information to other drones, ground control, manned aircraft and satellites.
In a nondescript building, down a largely unmarked hallway, is a series of rooms, each with a rack of servers and a "ground control station, " or GCS. There, a drone pilot and a sensor operator sit in their flight suits in front of a series of screens.
In April, China launched its first tracking data relay satellite to lessen its dependency on ground satellite control and relay stations.
Unlike many large fixed-wing drones, which are flown under remote control by ground-based pilots, a modified K-MAX flies autonomously along a programmed course using GPS to navigate via specified way points.
The FAA says funding for the new fee system, combined with federal money, would shift the 40-year-old ground-based air traffic control system to a satellite-based, cockpit-to-cockpit system that is safer and more efficient.
In Washington, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell called on Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat to match his promises of a cease-fire with "action on the ground" and exert greater control over militant Palestinian factions.
With his home-state crowd behind him, Faber took early control on the ground and then finished Menjivar by clinging to his back and wrapping both legs around his standing opponent, forcing Menjivar to tap out while on his feet with 26 seconds left in the opening round.
The men on the hills control all the high ground and one peninsula of level ground in the middle of the city, Grbavica.
Honeywell executives, who haven't previously discussed the project publicly, say the system uses onboard computers and navigation devices to automatically control aircraft movements on the ground.
He is also developing a remote-controlled Parajet, which will allow skydivers to dive out of a para-motor, leave it flying by itself and then remote control it back to the ground.
Brig Rupert Jones, commander of 1st Mechanized Brigade, admits that ceding control of operations on the ground is hard, but also a vital part of the handover, with Afghan forces now leading 80% of operations in central Helmand.
This provides game developers with fertile new ground for engineering game experiences around the hybrid control capabilities.
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The Marines want to get ashore fast, and then seize control through carefully synchronized air and ground operations.
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Ibrahimovic initially tried to volley Stoor's cross from the right and regained control before shrugging Ramos to the ground.
The dollar index has seen choppy trading recently as bulls and bears struggle for control, with neither gaining much ground.
In Libya the rebels had some form of government going in, but little control over the guns on the ground.
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Trading has been choppy in the index recently as bulls and bears struggle for control, with neither gaining much ground.
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One can see the skilled players twisting and turning their flaming, dying aircraft to extract maximum value from the enemy, where a novice will spiral out of control and hit the water or ground almost immediately.
They were alerted at 00:50 BST and the fire was under control by 02:50 BST but the ground and first floors of the house were badly damaged.
Blues scrum-half Jason Spice then missed an even better opportunity when, under no pressure, he lost control of the ball as he prepared to ground it in the Bath in-goal area.
Now that gave me a sense that even if you have effective security forces on the ground, there is a very large challenge ahead of them if they are to be able to operate in a manner that actually brings this insurgency under control by gathering information and intelligence from the ground.
Those who demand spending control and oppose tax hikes hold the intellectual high ground.
The New York fire department is basically in control and then the volunteers work the circumference of ground zero.
But Malloy's outspoken support for new gun control maintained pressure for passage, even as debate ground on in legislature long after similar measures were passed by lawmakers in neighboring New York.
Back above ground, students from around the world are shown the Atlas control room, one of the places where data from the LHC will be gathered when it is switched back on.