The LIVE 5000 is voiced to produce the best frequency response, group delay and tone quality to faithfully reproduce any program material.
Randy Baseler, vice-president of marketing for Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, says the delay is due to technical considerations.
The group opposing the stadium said the delay was down to the landowners.
Three years ago, Tom DeLay invited a small group of energy company executives to a golfing and fundraising weekend at an elegant Virginia resort.
Mortgage insurer PMI Group said late Wednesday it will delay reporting its fourth-quarter and full-year 2007 financial results because of delays in receiving financial results from FGIC, a troubled bond insurer that it partly owns.
But lawyers for the group asked Judge Mackie QC to delay their court application in the light of Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt's decision last month to order a full review of the JCPCT recommendations by the Independent Review Panel (IRP).
BBC: Legal bid to save Leeds child heart surgery will go ahead
The American Medical Association, the giant doctors' group, believes pay-for-delay agreements undermine the balance between spurring innovation through patents and fostering competition through generics, AMA President Dr. Jeremy A., Lazarus said.
The group got the federal bankruptcy judge in Manhattan to delay a hearing on the auction's bidding process from Monday to Tuesday, but the judge ordered them to identify themselves.
Of this group, 42 percent say they'll have to delay retirement because their nest eggs shrank.
Brad Hintz of Alliance Bernstein expects the government to delay Goldman's repayment until a larger group of banks is able to repay simultaneously.
In a study, his group found that DHA fatty acids from fish oil could delay or deter the onset of Alzheimer's disease in rats or older mice that had been genetically altered to develop the condition.
CNN: Mediterranean diet may help prevent dementia, study says
The group's associate director, Evan Harris, said "another delay for a further month... can be borne".
And the military still reports that it's short-handed for mental health professionals and, because of the vacancies, that means either veterans don't see a doctor at all, there's delay seeing a doctor, the veteran is put in group therapy instead of individual or the veteran is given prescription drugs instead of receiving one-on-one counseling, which is the best standard.
Greenpeace, a pressure group, has bought land on the proposed runway site and intends to delay the planning process with procedural challenges.
In the past few days, BHP Billiton and Fotescue Metal Group, two of Australia's biggest miners, have announced a delay in expanding their facilities in Australia.
For years, Mr Pitt was the lead counsel for Wall Street's trade group, the Securities Industry Association, in its largely successful attempts to delay the onset of competition from commercial banks on equal terms.
The group blamed the weak UK economy, uncertainty over the global economic outlook and a delay in fulfilling an order for 1, 000 taxis from Azerbaijan.
's attempts to buy the 60.9% of broadcaster British Sky Broadcasting Group PLC that it doesn't own, promising to hold a Parliamentary vote to delay the deal until investigations into the News of the World are finished.
But the Ellis group insists that does not mean any potential deal is dead - even if there is a further delay.
Mortgage insurer PMI Group (nyse: PMI - news - people ) said late Wednesday it will delay reporting its fourth-quarter and full-year 2007 financial results because of delays in receiving financial results from FGIC, a troubled bond insurer that it partly owns.
On September 21st, prosecutors from Travis County led by Ronnie Earle (as it happens, the only Democrat left with any real power in the state) indicted three friends of Mr DeLay and eight corporations said to have contributed to Texans for a Republican Majority, a group the former pest exterminator founded, on 32 felony charges.
Next to a Bible on his desk, DeLay keeps an up-to-date list of how much money each industry and interest group has contributed.