The pay rise attracted criticism from various consumer groups, including the National Campaign for Water Justice.
The group has been travelling, and waiting, with two groups of students driving ex-army Green Goddesses.
What can be teased out of the small percentage of the genome distinguishing modern human groups?
Stonehenge and Avebury, in Wiltshire, are among the most famous groups of megaliths in the world.
Pro-life groups have eagerly embraced an amendment that pro-choice supporters of health care have viscerally deplored.
There is nothing that prevents pro-choice groups from paying those services out of their own pockets.
Pro-choice groups themselves could take the lead in offering their equivalent to Medigap Insurance for seniors.
Our Freddy had begun snuffling close behind groups of heli-tourists, perhaps smelling snack food.
Throughout Guatemala, the US government recommends travelling in groups and with reputable tour operators.
Perhaps more than anything, it reminds us that different ethnic groups take varying paths to successful integration.
Mutlaq heads the National Dialogue Council, one of several Sunni-based groups that fielded candidates in the election.
The prize is awarded to individuals, groups, organisations and centres, active in the field of inclusive education.
Organisers want 10, 000 schools, businesses and community groups across England to get involved in the month-long blitz.
And she began to hear from fishing groups from all over the place that wanted to help.
This recognises guerrilla groups as actors in an armed conflict, and offers reduced prison sentences if they demobilise.
ECONOMIST: This time negotiations might eventually bring peace
Consumer groups or parents with evidence of games aggressively marketing in-game extras should contact the OFT, it said.
You'll find that in groups like The Roots, A Tribe Called Quest, like you said before, Talib Kweli.
Yanna Muru accommodates groups of up to ten people, at a cost of 95 Australian dollars per person.
Professor Morris will also develop and maintain a regional database of religious groups and communities including research resources.
UNESCO: Chair in Inter-religious Understanding and Relations for Victoria University - UNESCO
School children from years 10-13 joined with eminent scientists to attend lectures, speeches, laboratory demonstrations and discussion groups.
The history of Irish republicanism shows that only when the conditions are right can dissident groups take over.
The hotel sits directly above the Bonaventure metro station and underground city, making it popular with conference groups.
It said research also suggests grouping by ability had a bad effect on children in the lowest groups.
It's the groups first official discussions with a major power, which is also a Middle East peace mediator.
The guys have their little groups, and they go off to smoke cigars or whatever.
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The Loma Linda researchers used a questionnaire to categorize participants into groups based on their diets.
The researchers do not include groups that drive automobiles, such as Beachy Amish and Amish Mennonites.
What I would like to see is the Tax Exemption taken away from religious groups.
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Today, Kagame is president of Rwanda, and he insists on reconciliation between the warring groups.
CNN: From child refugee to Rwanda's reconciliation president
The average user has 130 friends and is connected to 80 pages, groups and events.