She currently works at a Boston law firm and is begrudgingly learning to be a grownup.
He seems uneasy with the world of grownup feelings, as if he were still a precocious youth.
Hey, but we do have a grownup show for you today, a whole bunch of stuff on tap.
He reports that grownup college alums have been snapping up second homes in the places where they attended school.
It's naive to think grownup training would transform throngs of cavalier college students into thoughtful, dedicated and enlightened human beings.
Witherspoon is a woman, aged thirty-five, with a bundle of grownup roles behind her, yet she must reverse into her teens.
Rather, two years of grownup training would be a college prerequisite: Applicants without it need not bother filling out the forms.
That is especially true since Obama continues to portray himself as the grownup in the Washington that will make compromises and keep his cool.
And beyond the obvious educational and character-building implications for the kids, grownup training would offer broader benefits to society--like cheap, dedicated labor for hospitals, schools and charities.
But Feinstein is a grownup who is not just sulking about congressional prerogatives -- she truly believes that an intelligence professional is what is required for the job.
Instead being the grownup and not giving in to the demands of a 6-year-old, Parham thought it made more sense to sue McDonald's to make her job as a parent easier.
Misher talked with Forbes about his search for a way to bring Dillinger to the screen, about casting big stars and how the current climate is making it tough to sell grownup movies.
The truth of what happened to the grownup Ignacio and Enrique emerges in pieces: the three narratives, as they expand and correct one another, become a trio of mirrors producing endless off-angle reflections.
It's aimed at a demographic you might call "game boy graduates"--people between the ages of 18 and 34 who still like to play videogames but also have to pay attention to grownup matters like deadlines, schedules and lists of contacts.
Nokia (nyse: NOK - news - people ) has a wireless phone on the way called the N-Gage, which we noted here in February, that is being aimed at the same grownup gamer that Tapwave wants to reach.
That primal triangle went fractal, very effectively: the initial model flipped several times, as Pam rejected Jim, then Jim Pam, and it was mimicked in crueller forms (Angela, Dwight, and Andy), sillier forms (Kelly, Ryan, and Darryl), and more grownup forms (Michael, Jan, and Holly), until nearly every character had dealt with some form of unspoken longing or romantic betrayal.