• And that's part of what this election and what this debate will need to be about, is, are we, as a country, willing to get back to common-sense, balanced, fair solutions that encourage our long-term economic growth and stabilize our budget.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the Associated Press Luncheon

  • We are willing to partner with countries around the world to deepen ties of trade and investment, and science and technology, energy and development -- all efforts that can spark economic growth for all our people and stabilize democratic change.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President to the UN General Assembly

  • The safer path, and likely the growth-maximizing one, is to take this opportunity of robust growth to stabilize the dollar and get ahead of the inflation risk.

    FORBES: Malpass to Bernanke: Hike! Hike! Hike!

  • And combined with our broader efforts to spur growth, stem job losses, and stabilize the financial system, we've helped promote recovery in the housing markets.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses Business and Tourism Leaders

  • We discussed some of the broader challenges of getting a meaningful Copenhagen agreement and continuing to stabilize the world economy and promoting growth, both through trade and investment and also through what has been discussed throughout the ASEAN summit, the idea of inclusive development and growth where it's not just at the top but is spread out among the population.

    WHITEHOUSE: Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore

  • Beyond the possibility of ECB liquidity, the summit could also surprise by addressing necessary, long-term measures toward fiscal integration which are a precondition to give peripheral bond markets and growth a chance to stabilize.

    FORBES: Gartman And Barclays Bullish On Europe

  • With falling revenue growth and rising marketing, selling and general costs, we now expect the stock to be worth significantly less than we previously expected until we see more encouraging signs that the company can provide growth in its international business and stabilize its cost base.

    FORBES: Groupon Revised To $4 On Higher Marketing Costs Outlook And Slower Growth

  • The two leaders agreed to work closely together, including at this G20, to build support for what needs to be done in Europe and the world to stabilize the situation, and support growth and jobs.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Jay Carney and Ben Rhodes

  • This strategy has been conditioned on our expectation that the prices of oil and other commodities would ultimately stabilize, in part as the result of slowing global growth, and that this outcome, together with well-anchored inflation expectations and increased slack in resource utilization, would foster a return to price stability in the medium run.

    FORBES: Reducing Systemic Risk

  • We expect slower growth going forward and for the market share to stabilize at around 26% over the next few years.

    FORBES: Home Networking Helps Cisco Plug Into 25% Stock Gain

  • At Los Cabos, the G20 looks forward to hearing more from the European leaders on the progress of their efforts to stabilize their banking system and promote growth, and to hear what their vision is for taking this effort forward toward fiscal and financial union.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Relieving zoning restrictions does wonders for growth, which can then foster jobs, stabilize housing prices and combat sprawl.

    FORBES: Making Batteries, Subsidizing Sprawl

  • And the ECB is a critical pan-euro area institution -- of course it is part of that, but it's part of a broader set of actors, and is part of the set of actions that together are going to stabilize Europe and put it onto a sustainable growth path.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The reality is that the U.S. must define and stabilize the dollar in order to generate the economic growth required to tame our budget deficits.

    FORBES: The Fiat Dollar: As Unreliable As My 1971 Fiat 124 Sedan

  • It said that its policy will likely remain accommodative for some time, and that policy actions to stabilize the markets will contribute to sustainable growth.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "Nothing would stabilize Iraq more than reliable electricity, which would allow business growth and employment of those who might otherwise join militias to support their families, " she wrote.


  • The government is taking measures to stabilize growth by pushing for more investment projects, reducing tax burdens and allowing private sector investment in strategic industries as China tries moving away from being a low-cost manufacturing hub dependent on the ever-declining growth of the developed world.

    FORBES: What China's Rate Cut Really Means

  • The President took decisive action, working with Congress, to reverse the course of that downturn, to stabilize our economy and to set it back on the path of growth and job creation.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And I'm going to keep on doing everything in my power to help to stabilize the housing market, grow the economy, accelerate job growth, and restore some of the security that middle-class families have felt slipping away for more than a decade.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Housing and the Economy

  • "We commit to continue working together to stabilize financial markets and restore the flow of credit, to support economic growth, " G-7 finance ministers and central bankers said in a joint statement Friday evening.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Rosen said at the state and local government level, at least, budgets have begun to stabilize as revenue growth has started to rise.

    FORBES: INTERVIEW: U.S. To Continue To Grow, Albeit Slowly, In Second Quarter -- Briefing Research's Rosen

  • Tanaka and the IEA believe that the world can stabilize atmospheric carbon dioxide while still achieving long-term economic growth in excess of 3%.

    FORBES: IEA Chief Predicts End Of Internal Combustion Engine By 2050

  • Countries must put in place credible plans to stabilize debt-to-GDP levels and set a pace of consolidation that reinforces the momentum of growth.

    WSJ: Lawrence Summers and Timothy Geither: Our Agenda for the G-20

  • Beijing intends to roll out fiscal and monetary policies to bolster exports, but overall the Chinese government will not be able to stabilize export growth, said Zhong Shan, deputy minister of commerce during a forum in Beijing.

    FORBES: China Official Warns Of Tough Months Ahead For Exporters

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