Frequent fliers may grumble about increased ticket prices, extra baggage fees, schedule changes and discontinued routes.
FORBES: The Results Are In, And Airline Revenues Are Growing
Regulars in one village pub grumble about immigrants (of whom, locally, there are almost none).
Never again could Americans grumble about being stuck with a candidate who was favored by less than half of voters.
FORBES: Fixing National Elections: Will Tuesday's Voting Be Honest, or Marred By Fraud?
The overall outcome suggests the north-east of England has plenty reason to grumble about the share of the pie it's getting.
Officials also grumble about hypocrisy: fishermen quietly discard lots of fish so as to pack their holds only with the most valuable.
Pets die, dog excrement litters the kitchen floor, and David recedes into his office, emerging only to grumble about the electric bill.
Instead, another early exit in the tournament provided enough to grumble about.
Officials in Islamabad and diplomats abroad are primed to grumble about it.
Some professional historians may grumble about Ambrose's methods, but others defend him.
But one thing Refco makes clear: When it comes to America's financial markets, there will always be something for him to grumble about.
Yet Mr Singh's second government has offered no big policy reforms, while letting public support ebb away as voters grumble about graft and inflation.
Even Labour councillors admit that Sheffield residents grumble about inadequate services.
It may grumble about the dollar's dominance in the global trading system, but it has no desire to pull the rug from under America's economy.
They grumble about his fetishistic use of steel, aluminium and glass.
We Londoners are a resilient lot, however: We like to grumble about the foolishness of the Orbit, but no doubt we will get used to it.
WSJ: London Olympics 2012 | These Knock-Down, Shrinkable Games | By Hugh Pearman
Some Republicans have predictably begun to grumble about the size of the stimulus package, but here's a question: What would you in the GOP do differently?
One of the most surprising things, she said, is how much lottery winners miss their previous lives -- even those jobs they used to grumble about.
CNN: Experts warn potential lottery winners of big money risks
In December a licensing round for 15 blocks of oil and gas exploration got only nine bids, as the big foreign oil companies grumble about Algeria's tax burden.
As a result, the Confederation of British Industry, a big-business lobby, worries about underinvestment, and officials at the Bank of England grumble about firms' reluctance to lower hurdles.
Real-time bidding has entered the ad world as a mainstream term, even if traditional ad folks grumble about how the science of online ads is crowding out the creativity.
In other capitals, there is special rancour that the British secured hefty opt-outs from the constitution and came back for more in the Lisbon treaty and still grumble about the results.
ECONOMIST: The dangerous appeal of a semi-detached status for Britain
Yet as they grumble about being called locusts, traditional private-equity funds are quietly making similar accusations about the growing role being played in corporate Germany by hedge funds, such as Paulson.
ECONOMIST: American investors fight each other over Celanese
When he passed his employees in the hall and asked how it was going, they would respond with a critical comment about a client or they would grumble about the amount of work they were juggling.
So, the next time you start to moan about the weird tech support guys and grumble about your internal support costs and how little seems to get done just understand that this stupid Microsoft bug is just one small part of the black hole that sucks away their time.
But they grumble more and more about contributions for health care taken out of wages, a cost shared equally by employer and employee.
Worse, it has a real impact, because business leaders consistently grumble that a lack of certainty about regulatory and tax policies is impeding investment.
But what about instruct, I hear you grumble over your dog-eared copy of "The Grapes of Wrath"?
Whatever Mr Wilson was seeking to say about money in his book, it made him a rich man, although he would occasionally grumble that lawyers, accountants and the taxmen took a large slice of it.
ECONOMIST: Sloan Wilson, American novelist, died on May 25th, aged 83