In 1998 he hired Marc Jacobs, an American designer mainly known for his grungy collections.
These items were so grungy-looking it was an insult to think that they might belong to her mother.
As I shuffled back to my office, I saw a co-worker carrying a grungy box overflowing with her stuff.
But unless a place looks just too grungy or is located on a traffic-clogged curb, you should be fine.
"On the smaller courts you get a white, grungy towel, " Mr. Russell said.
So, what in particular will be the hottest item for grungy gentleman?
Berlin is famous for its raucous nightlife, but its sweaty techno temples and grungy dives have been joined in recent years by a swathe of swanky bars.
Summing up Rive Gauche grungy in style, it was hardly the Golden Globes yet made up for the lack of glamour by being unpredictable and thoroughly entertaining.
FORBES: Spotlight On Bernard Henri-L��vy's Le Prix Saint-Germain, Paris
Rome's flip side is a surprising alternative underbelly, centred on left-wing centri sociali (organised squats), grungy squatter arts centres that often have live music, and where dressed-down is the look.
"There a sort of connection that is just here, " says Depp, doing his best to camouflage his pinup features by looking typically grungy and unkempt on a mild Sunday morning.
Lucid, sardonic, cinema-centric asides (especially one great set piece involving an aged, hearing-impaired movie technician from the silent-film era) adorn their all-night tangle of intimacy, building to a grungy, furiously self-deprecating .
Having lost our taste for grungy youth hostels, we had rented an apartment for our visit, during which we sampled Vienna's pastries (delicious), coffee (tasty) and opera (boring, at least to us philistines).
WSJ: Teddy Wayne on Locking Himself Up in Vienna |Traveler's Tale
"The Brave One" director Neil Jordan, like Terry George, is an Irish Republican well-versed in the political consequences of Old Testament justice, and his weirdly artificial uptown remake of Abel Ferrara's grungy 1981 film "Ms. 45" feels at war with itself.
This raw and moody drama from 1994 by the husband-and-wife team of Suki Hawley and Michael Galinsky (they co-wrote, she directed and edited, he photographed, in appealingly grainy black-and-white) captures a moment of grungy charm when independent art-rock scenes were new and resolutely local.