MIBA's diamonds are currently sold at a guaranteed price to De Beers.
AGF's shareholders a choice between FFr320 in cash for each share now, or a guaranteed price of FFr360 on shares held until 2000.
The government and EDF are in negotiations to agree a contract for the guaranteed price the company will receive for the power it generates.
BBC: Environmental permits granted for Hinkley Point station
Ally Financial in Detroit, Mich. is introducing an innovative new-car financing program that allows owners to sell their vehicles back to Ally at a guaranteed price after 48 months.
But they have proved unpopular with some energy suppliers, which say basing them on the difference between the actual market price and a preset, guaranteed price, is overly complex.
For farmers, the main benefit of being certified is a guaranteed minimum price for their beans.
They're guaranteed a price - a feed-in tariff - for their electricity when they sell it into the grid for 20 years.
Thanks to Newt Gingrich and his band of zealous Republicans, the 1996 farm bill abolished the guaranteed minimum price, increased the quota for imports and, most importantly, scrapped the domestic cartel of producers.
But Martin Brough of Oxera, an economics consultancy, thinks that more will be needed, most probably a guaranteed minimum carbon price.
But apparently, the program is still needed, and mostly for the big banks who will be guaranteed a premium price paid for selling Treasury debt and mortgage backed securities to the Federal Reserve.
This would reassure investors that waiting for the market to reach a "bottom" will not be of much benefit, because the home values of these modified mortgages will be guaranteed at the price level when modified.
After a brief conversation which included a guaranteed trade-in price for our 1999 Jeep we had a tentative deal.
Parente and Bragdon estimate that repeal of community rating and guaranteed issue could reduce the price of individual coverage by 42%.
WSJ: Peter Suderman: The Lesson of State Health-Care Reforms
But huge investments in hydropower in Bhutan (in return for the guaranteed supply of fixed-price electricity into India's grid) helped both countries.
ECONOMIST: Big developing countries are shaking up the world of aid
The regulations cover a myriad of issues--from "guaranteed" coverage for all applicants (regardless of health condition) to pooling micro-businesses with individuals in order to reduce costs. (One caveat on "guaranteed" coverage: It comes at a price, and with few plan options.) Understanding these rules will help you navigate your policy options later on.
Many thoughts abound about the price of insurance premiums once coverage is guaranteed issued and everyone is required to purchase a policy.
Conservative investors can fight against inflation by considering Treasury-Inflation Protected Securities, or TIPS. These federal government bonds are guaranteed to keep pace with the government -calculated Consumer Price Index.
As the oil price is currently showing, that's not guaranteed.
Even if Willian had a stellar second half, it was by no means guaranteed that a big club in a big league would meet his price tag.
Bear in mind that if you buy a five-year Treasury at par you are guaranteed to get your principal back in 2007, no matter what the price fluctuation might be in the meantime.
"I am unable to accept that either the paid item charges, and guaranteed paid item charges, or the overdraft excess charges, are the price or remuneration, or even a part of the price or remuneration, that the customer pays, " he added.