Christie can also call a special election for the senate seat before the gubernatorial election in November.
In 1986 dead people were found to have voted in the Democratic gubernatorial primary.
Or so it looks early Wednesday on the basis of Senate, gubernatorial and marquee congressional races.
Smaller but substantial losses were visited on the party in Senate and gubernatorial contests.
As in many gubernatorial races, the economy and budget emerged as leading issues in the state.
John McCain's 2008 campaign before launching a gubernatorial bid in the 2010 California contest.
One notable exception is the gubernatorial race in Maryland, where the sniper has shot seven people.
Only 29% of the voting-age population bothered to vote at the last gubernatorial election.
ECONOMIST: A joke-spinning candidate with serious consequences
In 1990, as a political neophyte, Lim finished second in the Republican gubernatorial primary.
Even with Chavez on his deathbed, his Nationalist Socialist Party dominated the December 2012 gubernatorial elections.
FORBES: Hugo Chavez Leaves The Soft-Dictator's Oil Curse As His Legacy
The trouble is that it is not just up to the president and his gubernatorial allies.
But politics is a hard profession, and November's mid-term congressional and gubernatorial elections are fast approaching.
Most important, for Mr Newsom's gubernatorial ambitions at least, he has expanded health care.
During the 2010 election cycle, King moderated gubernatorial debates in Massachusetts and Florida.
That's the estimated revenue of their casino business, and gubernatorial recall candidates are suddenly very friendly indeed.
Murkowski is the daughter of former Gov. Frank Murkowski, whom Palin defeated in the 2006 gubernatorial primary.
It also hopes to make gains in six gubernatorial elections to be held on the same day.
Ms. Whitman ran a large consumer business, and her massive gubernatorial campaign gave her exposure to government issues.
To succeed, Brown must move beyond delusions and rediscover the pro-business pragmatism that characterized his second gubernatorial term.
Many would argue that gubernatorial appointments give too much power to one person and too little to voters.
He is the best known gubernatorial candidate and has raised far more money than all his opponents combined.
Leading up to Election Day, the most competitive gubernatorial race of 2008 was a rematch from four years ago.
Burris previously ran and lost bids for the U.S. Senate and governor, losing the gubernatorial nomination once to Blagojevich.
CNN: Obama chides Illinois governor's decision to fill Senate seat
In the Georgia Republican gubernatorial primary, the winner in that race, Representative Deal, has actually dabbled in birther conspiracies.
He lost the gubernatorial primary in 1987, and lost as the Democratic nominee to Senator Mitch McConnell in 1996.
Voter turnout was 44.6%, the lowest ever recorded in an Osaka gubernatorial election.
We saw it continue in New York last night in the gubernatorial race.
The new justice minister comes from the notoriously corrupt state of Alagoas, but that too eases a gubernatorial election.
But Democrats point out that Whitman's two gubernatorial victories - one over Florio and her re-election win over state Sen.
Enter the state attorney-general, Mike Fisher, an ambitious Republican looking to boost flagging support ahead of the November gubernatorial election.