For the only possible route to profit is by guessing (you might have very good information, might even be correct, but it is still a guess) on what people of the future believe the value of gold is.
But in a greater sense, you have to ask what it is the shuttle, or the space program, I guess, is doing, and it is a variety of things, from weather satellites and improved communications to other technologies.
Do you think that's just politics from these Republicans, and is it hurting the cause by having them second-guess so much what the President is doing?
What it really wants, many guess, is for the panel to soften its anti-nationalisation tone.
After the post-party riots, it is anybody's guess what might take its place.
Given the almost schizophrenic nature of the US administration's Middle East policies, it is still anybody's guess what Bush will decide to do.
"I'm not sure what the position is yet but would guess it is something in the hospitality section of the new stadium, " said Curtis.
BBC: SPORT | Football | My Club | Swansea City | Curtis hurt by Swansea dismissal
We will not invest until the government gets out of the money-printing business -simply because it is too risky trying to guess what Bernanke will do next.
The volatility of the underlying asset can be difficult to measure or guess, especially since it is not always clear what it is if, for example, it is yet to be invented.
It is fair to guess they did not entirely like what they saw.
So I guess my question is, what is the President -- I know it's in Congress' -- the ball is in their court to do something about sequestration.
It seems that you have not taken -- I guess my question is what was the point of the fiscal commission?
WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference on the 2012 Budget
So it's like, ah ha, this is why this youngster is not doing that because he would have done it, but guess what?
Wachovia didn't say, but goodwill impairment is what happens when a company overpays for an acquisition, so you could guess that it's related to the Golden West deal.
The Force that has been quietly watching and gathering details about your every move and now is in a position to guess what you're going to do next, once it finishes running the numbers.
The easiest way to fix it is in understanding how we communicate differently, how to respect this difference, because guess what?
FORBES: Sexism Debate Not So 'Pretty' For Deutsche Bank CEO - But Should We Thank Him?
It's hard to say what the culprit is, but if we had to guess, we'd point our finger at Sense and the amount of pixels rendered on the Vivid's qHD screen versus the Skyrocket's WVGA. The Vivid's consistent loss to Moto's similarly clocked beastie and its TI OMAP 4430 processor also caught us off guard.
It's a military veterans organization, and McCain is a member, so you can probably guess what kind of reception he got.
But guess what, if the whole nation goes down due to excessive debt that town is going down anyway so get over it and move on.