After a year's study at the Guildhall School of Music in England, she hit the London jazz scene.
Teachers and civil servants walked from the top of Abington Street to Northampton borough council's Guildhall.
Swansea's Brangwyn Hall is to close for a year-long restoration project at the city's Guildhall.
She will also be at a reception at the Guildhall hosted by mayor Jim Kelly.
In his Guildhall speech on foreign policy he also urged diplomats to become "economic ambassadors".
More than 100 workers met outside Axminster Guildhall to gather names and hand out leaflets.
The head, currently on display in Leicester's Guildhall museum, is due to visit Gloucester in March 2014.
Sixty years ago in 1951 the Queen, who was then Princess Elizabeth, opened the refurbished Windsor Guildhall.
However, Saturday's ceremonies, including a parade to Swansea's Guildhall, have still taken place - despite the Queen's absence.
The Guildhall in St Edmund Street and offices in North Quay could also be sold under the plans.
Mr Stephenson left the Guildhall in 1995 to become the first chief executive of East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
It will make its way towards West Way before moving along St Helen's Road and finish at the Guildhall.
The exhibition is expected to remain at the Guildhall for about a year, until a permanent visitors' centre opens.
They will also have a stall at the city's Guildhall on 7 April.
Mantel was announced as the winner at London's Guildhall on Tuesday night.
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The initial hearings were held at the Guildhall in Derby before the main trial was transferred to the Old Bailey.
It came to light as inquiry counsel Christopher Clarke QC started his opening submission to the tribunal in Londonderry's Guildhall.
The plans can be seen at St Mary's Guildhall from 8 July and at the Waterside Shopping Centre on 9-10 July.
The monument, in Guildhall Square, is in memory of the citizens of Salisbury who gave their lives in World War I.
Campaigners, who protested against the closure and held a demonstration outside the council's Guildhall, have been invited to run the library.
The plans will also be on display at both Shirehall and The Guildhall in Shrewsbury from 31 October to 6 November.
The Queen herself appears en route from Guildhall to Cathedral for a performance of music, dance and drama by local schoolchildren.
On Tuesday, Lee will be posthumously awarded the Freedom of the City in a ceremony to be held at the Guildhall.
The exhibition at Leicester's Guildhall explains the story behind the search for the king under a council car park in the city.
On the day the Saville report was published two years ago, I watched the scenes in Guildhall square from the walls of Derry.
On October 1st one tradition was broken when 11 judges emerged for the first time from the made-over Middlesex Guildhall to attend the event.
But Brussels, the seat of the European Union, is a peculiar hybrid of international bland and haute guildhall, its avant-garde stylishness tucked into corners.
The statue was decapitated in the same year at Guildhall Art Gallery, but later restored and put in storage at the House of Commons.
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The sale of the 175-year-old Guildhall has been proposed because the building is only used by the council for five evening meetings each year.
In a major foreign affairs speech at London's Guildhall on Monday, Mr Blair again appealed for people in Europe not to parody America's leadership.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Chirac: Blair gets little from US