The excess insulin triggers the liver to produce an overabundance of triglycerides, which gum up already-narrow arteries.
Alert Energy Caffeine Gum was introduced earlier this month by Wrigley, a division of Mars Inc.
Wrigley began marketing its Eclipse gum with the magnolia bark extract in June 2008.
Double lattes, fresh flowers and checkout-aisle chewing gum are all perfectly harmless impulse buys.
But it was great to see Rory and his gum-chewing dad embrace on 18.
Because I know at one point he was chewing a gum or something like that.
The makers of Chicza say it is the first biodegradable chewing gum ever sold.
In a generation they have been weaned off chewing-gum, learnt Mandarin and become models of courtesy.
Topps stays afloat on its slowly growing confectionery business--Bazooka Bubble Gum and Ring Pops.
Additionally, she was neither a fan of chewing gum nor of my chewing it.
Of the mooted bidders, Wrigley is keenest on Halls, to cut its reliance on gum.
For the food firms, gum that sweetens bad breath and whitens teeth is a hot market.
The sweetener is central to a battle in Asia to find the next cure-all gum.
Wrigley's Mr Kehoe says the next target for gum is gingivitis and gum disease.
Whereas Europe employs regulations to gum up the gears of commerce, we use a tort bar.
"So it wasn't like I couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time, " he joked.
Republicans brought motions to adjourn, motions to table other motions, anything to gum up the work.
By now, the Big Ten teams "know what each other's gum is, " Izzo said.
Food, tobacco and chewing gum properties stayed functional along with IBM, American Can and Coca-Cola.
So we supposed that his friend grew up and opened a chain of gum stores.
The British company's products include Dairy Milk, Creme Eggs, Dentyne chewing gum and Halls cough drops.
They'll all feed you, take you swimming and buy you gum almost anytime you ask.
Glaxo has websites for products ranging from HIV, bipolar disorder, and depression medication to Nicorette gum.
It turns out that heart disease can be triggered when you've got gum disease.
Near the door is an open carton containing dozens of boxes of chewing gum.
The company said it knows anecdotally that chewing gum offers a "stimulating effect" that aids concentration.
You have the store right in front of where the gum tree used to be?
You'll need to practice good oral hygiene for life, however, so your gum problems don't return.
"The only reason to do these studies is to sell more gum, " warns Marion Nestle, Ph.