When the gumbo is cooked, stir in the chicken and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper.
We have so much overlay between local, county, state, and federal--that it's just a gumbo.
While they are famous for their gumbo, the signature dish is the St.
The movie is a thick gumbo of truths, half-truths, unverifiable hypotheses, and pure rant, and Stone ladles it out indiscriminately.
Gumbo comes in many forms depending on who's cooking and what's handy.
Try the Harlem-style chicken wings, lima bean soup, seafood okra gumbo, St.
Chef Jim Eriksen offers his recipe for Haitian-Creole seafood gumbo, which generally wins first or second place each year in a regional competition.
She was pure New Orleans, serving our dorm floor King Cake in March, making pots of gumbo at midnight, doling out nuggets of her grandmother's sugary praline.
This being New Orleans, the occasion will be marked with adult beverages and plenty of food gumbo, red beans and rice, a big pot of crawfish.
Grape Gumbo has a noisy bistro feel to it you can sit at the bar and watch the chef cook if you want to avoid the cigarette smoke in the main section.
Asher is not afraid to push the envelope when it comes to dinner: one evening he started us out with a fennel andouille sausage sprinkled with shaved parmesan, followed by fried quail served over seafood gumbo.
You know, car purchases are a complex gumbo of emotion and economics and ego and sex and all the rest, and it's just a question of, you know, how many parts of those various elements do you put into your decision-making hat to come up with the answer?
Meanwhile, Congress, when it returns from its Columbus Day recess next week, plans to resume work on a second package of new Hurricane Katrina-related tax breaks--a gumbo that could include everything from the Bush Administration's proposal for a new tax-favored "Gulf Opportunity" zone to more energy industry goodies.