This has, to put it in the plainest terms possible, kinda gummed up the works.
Their squabbles over patronage and more have delayed projects and gummed up decisions.
By decoding microbial DNA, drug researchers hoped to pinpoint key proteins that could be gummed up with novel druglike chemicals.
The Icelandic government has taken a 75% stake in Glitnir, a bank with outrageous reliance on gummed-up wholesale funding markets.
My neck gets tight and achy, and I can't think as clearly as usual, like my mental gears are gummed up.
Clean-ups in the tax and customs authorities have impressed some businessmen, while vexing others who say procedures are now gummed up.
However gummed-up the labour market and inflated the add-on costs of labour (the economy's two biggest problems), productivity is still rising.
So far, it has avoided being gummed up by competing commercial interests.
It turns out that transistors in these flash-memory devices are prone to being gummed up with electrostatic charge that they cannot dissipate.
Financial markets are gummed up because banks do not know exactly how much bad debt they hold and are therefore reluctant to lend to businesses, consumers and each other.
Without it, any potential trade deal is likely to get gummed up on Capitol Hill, and for this reason, the administration has lobbied hard for renewal of fast track.
Recession or not, the U.S. is now engulfed in somewhat of a "perfect storm" of economic problems: A rapidly falling dollar, inflation, gummed-up credit markets and rising home foreclosures.
However, there is a danger that, when labour markets are gummed up, a cyclical rise in unemployment can turn into a structural one making it impervious to an economic upturn.
"The fact is we haven't been able to get a patients' bill of rights because soft money has gummed up the works, " he said on "CNN's Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer".
And Clinton-Gore acolytes have gummed up telecommunications deregulation.