That's always going to be because folks once again, a snake-bitten gun-shy from the last time.
And, he adds, many investors are still gun-shy from the severe market drop in 2007-09.
Rating agencies are gun-shy about any new security, given their roles in the subprime mortgage crisis.
Some investors are understandably gun-shy about the auto sector after the calamity of the last two years.
But it should appeal to some affluent parents and grandparents who are gun-shy of stocks and strongly favor private over public colleges.
At the same time, the institutions that typically invest with private-equity firms remain gun-shy of risky real-estate deals after getting clobbered by investments that soured during the downturn.
They are still gun-shy about borrowers with poor credit quality and weak assets, but they are very intent on lending to strong borrowers with good properties as collateral.
However, Mr. Obama has said he won't negotiate over that must-pass measure, and Republicans have been gun-shy about reviving their past strategy of threatening to delay a debt-limit increase to get their way.
But in order for that to happen, Novartis has to convince gun-shy doctors that the drug is safe, and convince patients that abdominal pain and bloating are caused by a treatable ailment called irritable bowel syndrome.
ECONOMIST: Why no hedge fund has made a killing out of the euro crisis
Because the code has been licensed under the Eclipse public license rather than the harder-core GPL, device manufacturers will be able to continue to tack on custom features and hardware support without open-sourcing it, which should make them less gun-shy about throwing weight behind the platform -- and considering how badly these guys need to get back into the spotlight, that's a good thing.
ENGADGET: Symbian Foundation talks about its move to open source
The potential market is huge, but the regulatory hurdles for protein drugs is incredibly high--especially when the Food and Drug Administration is likely to become more gun shy when it comes to drug safety.