Later that night, police intercepted the brothers in a blazing gunbattle that left 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev dead.
His older brother, Tamerlan, 26, died Friday after a fierce gunbattle with police.
Gadhafi was ousted, then was fatally wounded in a gunbattle that broke out after his capture on October 20.
Ebel was killed two days later in northern Texas in a gunbattle with authorities that left a sheriff's deputy wounded.
Later, the police admitted he had been killed in a staged gunbattle and three top state policemen were charged with his murder.
BBC: India court orders probe into Gujarat 'fake encounters'
Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev died in a gunbattle with police, and residents cheered and gave police high fives after his brother Dzhokhar was apprehended.
The capture came at the end of a tense day that began with his 26-year-old brother, Tamerlan, dying in a gunbattle with police.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev was shot in the gunbattle, and Dzhokhar apparently ran over his brother as he tried to flee in a car, authorities have said.
The militants opened fire, attracting the attention of nearby soldiers, who were initially overpowered, before returning with reinforcements, leading to a fierce gunbattle, he said.
His older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, who authorities say was the other bomber, was killed during the same gunbattle in which Mr. Donohue was hit.
Five people, including a former state legislator, died in the gunbattle.
After the shooting last year, police said officers had responded to reported gunshots on the Danziger Bridge and that a running gunbattle ensued with six suspects.
Three helicopters initiated a heated gunbattle with captors under the cover of darkness in the town about 75 miles northwest of the capital Mogadishu, eyewitnesses said.
Seven others jumped out of the pickup and ran toward the courthouse and attorney general's office, prompting an 8-hour gunbattle that left many buildings pockmarked from bullets and rocket-propelled grenades.
TIRANA, Albania (CNN) -- Serbian troops crossed the Albanian border and briefly seized a village inside Albania after a gunbattle with border guards Tuesday, Albanian officials and international monitors said.
Police have carried out many such raids in recent weeks, but this was the first gunbattle between the two sides since the killing of the leader of the group's most militant wing.
Also Wednesday, police raided a home in the northwestern city of Peshawar on a tip that suspected militants were hiding there, ensuing a gunbattle during which two police officers were killed, a senior police officer Liaquat Ali Khan said.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) -- Pakistani forces have killed 24 suspected militants in a fierce gunbattle in the lawless region bordering Afghanistan, as U.S. forces prepare for a spring offensive against al Qaeda and Taliban fighters from the Afghan side.
The moves came after French forces engaged in a fierce gunbattle with militants in their attempt to rescue hostage Denis Allex, who was a member of the DGSE, France's equivalent of the CIA and a part of its defense ministry.
CNN: U.S. supported France's failed hostage rescue in Somalia