K. Corral in Tombstone, Arizona, was the scene of an epic gunfight between the feuding Clanton and Earp families.
The gunfight took place on Wednesday at a crossroads near Ruiz, some 800km (500 miles) north-west of Mexico City.
Police say Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, was killed in the course of the gunfight in the early hours of Friday 19 April.
Kelly will be buried in a cemetery in Greta, not far from the site of his gunfight with police in Glenrowan.
Both sides blame each other for provoking a gunfight on March 27th at Mr Ntoumi's headquarters in the wooded hills near Vindza.
They made clear just how dire his condition was following the gunfight in neighboring Watertown, and how much his life was in jeopardy.
Commissioner Ed Davis says Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had an arsenal of homemade explosives during the gunfight that killed one of the brothers.
Startups incubators are battling the top business schools across the country for talent, and this time, they are not bringing knives to a gunfight.
"It does not serve the American people well if we explicitly and publicly turn this into the gunfight at the OK corral, " Clinton said.
Mr Acton Davis said full post-mortem examinations had not been carried out at Al Sadr Hospital because a gunfight broke out outside the hospital.
The ex-Navy reservist died in a gunfight at a mountain cabin near the Big Bear Lake ski resort, after a massive manhunt across southern California.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev's body has been at the medical examiner's office in Massachusetts since he died after a gunfight with authorities more than a week ago.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, died after a gunfight with police days later.
Acer came to this gunfight with a spoon, launching four me-too WinMo 6.1 phones -- two of which most likely can't be upgraded to 6.5.
The body of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, has been at the medical examiner's office in Massachusetts since he died after a gunfight with authorities more than a week ago.
His 26-year-old brother Tamerlan died after a gunfight hours earlier.
The two attackers were killed in a gunfight but haven't yet been identified, said Ahafadul Mujtaba, the director inspector general of police in Srinagar, the main city in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.
WSJ: Militants Disguised as Cricketers Attack Indian Paramilitary
But now that it has surfaced, the owl could be a game-changer in the water war between the U.S. Forest Service and the Wild West city made famous by the 30-second gunfight at the O.
CNN: Spotted owl could be game-changer in Tombstone water war
According to Ron Borsch's study for the Force Science Research Center at Minnesota State University-Mankato, active shooters are different from the gangsters and other street toughs whom a police officer might engage in a gunfight.
Meanwhile, the brother of Iraq's interior minister was freed Sunday after a gunfight between his captors and members of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's Mehdi Army militia, according to an al-Sadr official and an official with Baghdad's emergency police.
That's the updated version of the man police said killed four people, apparently randomly, then holed up for nearly a day in an abandoned bar called Glory Days before dying in a gunfight with police who tried to root him out.