What is certain is that a number of people died on scene of gunshot wounds.
He almost died from gunshot wounds last year when his convoy drove into an ambush.
Maynard remained hospitalized Wednesday night after undergoing surgery to treat multiple gunshot wounds, Baylous said.
During Word War I, many were soldiers suffering from gas gangrene, and gunshot wounds were treated.
The boy's death, he said, was the result of the three gunshot wounds he sustained.
Some of them are still recovering from gunshot wounds suffered in the line of duty.
Three people were killed, the BBC Bengali service reported, with at least one dying of gunshot wounds.
Those sorts of disruptions are really even more common than gunshot wounds and people injured by explosives.
She said victims had arrived in private vehicles as well as ambulances, many with severe gunshot wounds.
The two fatalities in Suez died of gunshot wounds, said the general manager of Suez General Hospital.
However, Mr Medina had earlier said many of the bodies at his hospital's morgue had gunshot wounds.
The suspect is hospitalized with gunshot wounds at a federal Bureau of Prisons medical center in Devens, Massachusetts.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, is hospitalized with gunshot wounds, including one to the throat that has hampered his speech.
Hospital director Ruy Medina told AFP news agency that some 90 people were injured, mostly from gunshot wounds.
He taught medics, more used to treating gunshot wounds, about resuscitation and the symptoms of a heart attack.
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The state medical examiner ruled that Tsarnaev died from gunshot wounds and blunt trauma to his head and torso.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is being treated for gunshot wounds at a federal Bureau of Prisons medical center in Devens, Massachusetts.
Hundreds of mourners gathered to say farewell to a 20-year-old Carlisle soldier who died of gunshot wounds in Afghanistan.
Armed police were called to Oxney Road in the city on 17 September after three men sustained gunshot wounds.
Joseph Cummins, 25, died of gunshot wounds after being found on Longmoor Lane in Fazakerley on 20 January 2011.
Brian Murphy, who remains hospitalized from multiple gunshot wounds after being the first responder to the temple on Sunday.
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Susceptibility to trauma ranging from propeller damage to gunshot wounds did not rise with inbreeding.
Mr Tsarnaev, 19, sustained gunshot wounds during the police manhunt days after the bombings, and remains in a prison hospital.
Brian Harkins, 45, died from gunshot wounds on the doorstep of his home in Westmuir Place, Rutherglen, on 7 March.
His younger brother, Dzhokhar, 19, sustained gunshot wounds and is being held at a prison medical facility west of Boston.
Beck said one woman was in stable condition with two gunshot wounds and the other was being released after treatment.
Left behind were seven of their fellows, recovering in local hospitals from gunshot wounds and savage beatings inflicted by Italians.
Other agencies reported the death toll had risen to at least 10, with several casualties sustaining gunshot wounds to the head.
The victims were transported -- one by helicopter, the other by ambulance -- to hospitals for treatment of their gunshot wounds.
In an interview with BBC Radio 5 Live, Mr Prior said the couple had been sight-seeing when they suffered gunshot wounds.