She was on track to compete for Olympic stardom in gymnastics up until Junior High School.
But in women's gymnastics, experience also means less flexibility and the increased chance of injuries.
On Friday, the Locog website offered tickets to men's gymnastics, beach volleyball and other events.
The most serious competition for volleyball comes from the famously huggy sport of gymnastics.
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To convert this conduct into an antitrust violation will require some serious legal gymnastics.
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Others wondered how sports like equestrian and disciplines like race walking and rhythmic gymnastics survived.
Setbacks were particularly galling in athletics, swimming and gymnastics, where Japan expected strong performances.
The Paramount Parkour Academy opened in the Kingston Gymnastics Centre in Milton Keynes on Saturday.
Certainly, banks played a role in helping Parmalat arrange elaborate financial structures, reminiscent of Enron's gymnastics.
"We admire Paul for making this difficult decision, " said Steve Penny, president of USA Gymnastics.
By Sunday, military members and their families were being offered empty seats at events such as gymnastics.
Gymnastics leaders have been hoping to put behind them a cloud that has hung over the sport.
He spoke with the members of the women's gymnastics team after they had won the team competition.
But the agreement is subject to approval from both badminton and gymnastics officials in the next week.
In 1962, Umberto Eco wrote that such works teach a "perceptual gymnastics" needed in a fast-moving, media-saturated world.
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After the 2000 Olympics, leaders launched an effort dubbed Project 119, boosting funding in swimming, gymnastics and weightlifting.
Officials from gymnastics will be shown the proposals this week and badminton chiefs will see them next week.
Whitehead tried every sport he could including archery, swimming, cricket, gymnastics, canoeing, track and field and sledge hockey.
Beijing had some very interesting characteristics: Michael Phelps swam live during prime time, gymnastics was live.
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Planck hoped that Germans would stick to gymnastics, seen as better at producing young men fit for military service.
The state should subsidise less popular sports like diving, gymnastics and weightlifting, China Daily quotes him as saying.
Sports in the Games include basketball, swimming, tennis, cycling, gymnastics and many others.
Among the businesses: Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy, a training facility in Norman, Okla.
Most of the Olympic sports - fencing, synchronised swimming, gymnastics, water polo - are also unfamiliar to most Kenyans.
On the playing field before them, about 60, 000 people did wild synchronized-gymnastics routines.
Bloom performed some exotic gymnastics to get this agreement over the goal line.
In sports like tennis, golf, gymnastics, and figure skating, kids are competing at the highest levels in their teenage years.
Her competitive spirit aside, Spilger loved being a part of a team versus in gymnastics, which was an independent sport.
With that increased recognition came opportunities away from gymnastics and, since Beijing, Johnson has become a familiar face on television.
BBC: US gymnast Shawn Johnson seeks focus to succeed in 2012
Looking back on her feat, the gymnastics equivalent of the first four-minute mile in athletics, Comaneci almost downplays her achievement.