He said it was pitch black at the point where he went into the ha-ha.
It was just one of the weird things about the Wonder That Was Her, ha ha ha.
He said the ha-ha was not illuminated or fenced and he did not see any warning signings.
Thousands of metres of Cotswold stone ha-ha walls and railings at the arboretum are in need of repair.
"Su cuerpo ha sido recuperado y ha sido identificado", dijo un funcionario estadounidense.
BBC: Mundo | Internacional | Irak: "decapitan" reh��n de EE.UU.
Local artist Ha-Ha uses up to 50 layers of paint in his pieces to create extraordinary depth and texture.
Banville is the first Irish winner of the Booker Prize since Roddy Doyle won with Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha in 1993.
Virg Bernero, the Democratic gubernatorial candidate in Michigan, where I live, has dubbed his opponent, Rick Snyder, Chief Executive Outsourcer (ha, ha).
I'm by myself in a bathroom in Denver, and I guess that's how the comedy trip ended, not funny ha-ha but funny peculiar.
John Cowan said he "stepped over" the edge of an 18th century feature called a "ha-ha" in the pitch black as they returned to Hopetoun House car park.
Mr Cowan ended up walking in the dark on a route that would inevitably take him to the ha-ha at a point where there was a drop of about 5ft.
No hay vacunas y solo hay una computadora satelital en el hospital donde dia y noche hay filas de personas tratandose de comunicar con sus familias en otros sitios, nos platica que gente que ha querido salir por otros medios se ha caido de las lianas o simplemente se los lleva la corriente, mi hermano es anesteciologo y esta trabajando dia y noche.
Entre las medidas se encuentra la suba que el Banco Central ha aplicado al coeficiente de caja de los bancos comerciales, que ha subido 1, 5 puntos desde junio, a 8, 5%.
BBC: Mundo | Econom��a | Bar��metro econ��mico | China: ?econom��a imparable?
El problema de acceso al agua, que ha logrado organizar a dos ciudades enteras para conseguir una mejora del servicio o el acceso, ha hecho que el nuevo gobierno de Evo Morales creara hace seis semanas un ministerio del Agua.
Ha'aretz's veteran columnist Akiva Eldar performed this service in a pair of articles published Tuesday in the Guardian and Ha'aretz.
The sediment of runoff was between 103 and 308 kg ha-1 h-1, while the soil losses by needle erosion were between 6, 3 and 61, 0 ton ha-1.
Ha mostrado un compromiso sin fallas en pro de la paz y el desarrollo.
Carlos Berroeta expresa que se ha dado poca prioridad al trabajo de los programas del PHI.
For additional information, visit the Bel Air Xpu Ha Riviera Maya on Facebook.
La UNESCO se ha comprometido a proteger los derechos y libertades de la mujer.
The AF100 also records in AVCCAM's HA (17Mbps) and HE (6Mbps) modes, 1080i only.
ENGADGET: Panasonic AF100 Micro Four Thirds video camera ships today, right on schedule
La creciente toma de conciencia de estos riesgos ha hecho advertir la necesidad de un remedio.
Ha arraigado en el clima social y de trabajo de los internos y los funcionarios.
It was like an ah-ha moment for me but he already knew where my head was.
FORBES: Teresa Richardson: The 'Crochet Geek' Who's Hooked 60,000 YouTubers
After a diplomatic hoo-ha, these were found to be legal purchases by Yemen's government.
La UNESCO ha determinado que esta es una de sus dos prioridades a nivel mundial.